» Data Source: oci_core_volume_groups

This data source provides the list of Volume Groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

Lists the volume groups in the specified compartment and availability domain. For more information, see Volume Groups.

» Example Usage

data "oci_core_volume_groups" "test_volume_groups" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"

    availability_domain = "${var.volume_group_availability_domain}"
    display_name = "${var.volume_group_display_name}"
    state = "${var.volume_group_state}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • availability_domain - (Optional) The name of the availability domain. Example: Uocm:PHX-AD-1
  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment.
  • display_name - (Optional) A filter to return only resources that match the given display name exactly.
  • state - (Optional) A filter to only return resources that match the given lifecycle state. The state value is case-insensitive.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» VolumeGroup Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • availability_domain - The availability domain of the volume group.
  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume group.
  • defined_tags - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
  • display_name - A user-friendly name for the volume group. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • freeform_tags - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
  • id - The OCID for the volume group.
  • is_hydrated - Specifies whether the newly created cloned volume group's data has finished copying from the source volume group or backup.
  • size_in_gbs - The aggregate size of the volume group in GBs.
  • size_in_mbs - The aggregate size of the volume group in MBs.
  • source_details - The volume group source. The source is either another a list of volume IDs in the same availability domain, another volume group, or a volume group backup.
    • type - The type can be one of these values: volumeGroupBackupId, volumeGroupId, volumeIds
    • volume_group_backup_id - The OCID of the volume group backup to restore from, if the type is volumeGroupBackup
    • volume_group_id - The OCID of the volume group to clone from, if the type is volumeGroup
    • volume_ids - OCIDs for the volumes in this volume group, if the type is volumeIds
  • state - The current state of a volume group.
  • time_created - The date and time the volume group was created. Format defined by RFC3339.
  • volume_ids - OCIDs for the volumes in this volume group.