» Data Source: oci_database_data_guard_association

This data source provides details about a specific Data Guard Association resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service.

Gets the specified Data Guard association's configuration information.

» Example Usage

data "oci_database_data_guard_association" "test_data_guard_association" {
    data_guard_association_id = "${oci_database_data_guard_association.test_data_guard_association.id}"
    database_id = "${oci_database_database.test_database.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • apply_lag - The lag time between updates to the primary database and application of the redo data on the standby database, as computed by the reporting database. Example: 9 seconds
  • apply_rate - The rate at which redo logs are synced between the associated databases. Example: 180 Mb per second
  • database_id - The OCID of the reporting database.
  • id - The OCID of the Data Guard association.
  • lifecycle_details - Additional information about the current lifecycleState, if available.
  • peer_data_guard_association_id - The OCID of the peer database's Data Guard association.
  • peer_database_id - The OCID of the associated peer database.
  • peer_db_home_id - The OCID of the database home containing the associated peer database.
  • peer_db_system_id - The OCID of the DB system containing the associated peer database.
  • peer_role - The role of the peer database in this Data Guard association.
  • protection_mode - The protection mode of this Data Guard association. For more information, see Oracle Data Guard Protection Modes in the Oracle Data Guard documentation.
  • role - The role of the reporting database in this Data Guard association.
  • state - The current state of the Data Guard association.
  • time_created - The date and time the Data Guard association was created.
  • transport_type - The redo transport type used by this Data Guard association. For more information, see Redo Transport Services in the Oracle Data Guard documentation.