» Data Source: oci_dns_records

This data source provides the list of Records in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dns service.

Gets all records in the specified zone. The results are sorted by domain in alphabetical order by default. For more information about records, see Resource Record (RR) TYPEs.

» Example Usage

data "oci_dns_records" "test_records" {
    zone_name_or_id = "${oci_dns_zone_name_or.test_zone_name_or.id}"

    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    domain = "${var.record_domain}"
    domain_contains = "${var.record_domain_contains}"
    rtype = "${var.record_rtype}"
    zone_version = "${var.record_zone_version}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Optional) The OCID of the compartment the resource belongs to.
  • domain - (Optional) Search by domain. Will match any record whose domain (case-insensitive) equals the provided value.
  • domain_contains - (Optional) Search by domain. Will match any record whose domain (case-insensitive) contains the provided value.
  • rtype - (Optional) Search by record type. Will match any record whose type (case-insensitive) equals the provided value.
  • sort_by - (Optional) The field by which to sort records. Allowed values are: domain|rtype|ttl
  • sort_order - The order to sort the resources. Allowed values are: ASC|DESC
  • zone_name_or_id - (Required) The name or OCID of the target zone.
  • zone_version - (Optional) The version of the zone for which data is requested.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • records - A collection of DNS resource records.

» DnsRecord Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment the resource belongs to.
  • domain - The fully qualified domain name where the record can be located.
  • is_protected - A Boolean flag indicating whether or not parts of the record are unable to be explicitly managed.
  • rdata - The record's data, as whitespace-delimited tokens in type-specific presentation format. All RDATA is normalized and the returned presentation of your RDATA may differ from its initial input. For more information about RDATA, see Supported DNS Resource Record Types
  • record_hash - A unique identifier for the record within its zone.
  • rrset_version - The latest version of the record's zone in which its RRSet differs from the preceding version.
  • rtype - The canonical name for the record's type, such as A or CNAME. For more information, see Resource Record (RR) TYPEs.
  • ttl - The Time To Live for the record, in seconds.
  • zone_name_or_id - The name or OCID of the target zone.