» Data Source: oci_dns_steering_policy_attachments

This data source provides the list of Steering Policy Attachments in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Dns service.

Lists the steering policy attachments in the specified compartment.

» Example Usage

data "oci_dns_steering_policy_attachments" "test_steering_policy_attachments" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"

    display_name = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_display_name}"
    domain = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_domain}"
    domain_contains = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_domain_contains}"
    id = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_id}"
    state = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_state}"
    steering_policy_id = "${oci_dns_steering_policy.test_steering_policy.id}"
    time_created_greater_than_or_equal_to = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_time_created_greater_than_or_equal_to}"
    time_created_less_than = "${var.steering_policy_attachment_time_created_less_than}"
    zone_id = "${oci_dns_zone.test_zone.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment the resource belongs to.
  • display_name - (Optional) The displayName of a resource.
  • domain - (Optional) Search by domain. Will match any record whose domain (case-insensitive) equals the provided value.
  • domain_contains - (Optional) Search by domain. Will match any record whose domain (case-insensitive) contains the provided value.
  • id - (Optional) The OCID of a resource.
  • state - (Optional) The state of a resource.
  • steering_policy_id - (Optional) Search by steering policy OCID. Will match any resource whose steering policy ID matches the provided value.
  • time_created_greater_than_or_equal_to - (Optional) An RFC 3339 timestamp that states all returned resources were created on or after the indicated time.
  • time_created_less_than - (Optional) An RFC 3339 timestamp that states all returned resources were created before the indicated time.
  • zone_id - (Optional) Search by zone OCID. Will match any resource whose zone ID matches the provided value.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» SteeringPolicyAttachment Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment containing the steering policy attachment.
  • display_name - A user-friendly name for the steering policy attachment. Does not have to be unique and can be changed. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • domain_name - The attached domain within the attached zone.
  • id - The OCID of the resource.
  • rtypes - The record types covered by the attachment at the domain. The set of record types is determined by aggregating the record types from the answers defined in the steering policy.
  • self - The canonical absolute URL of the resource.
  • state - The current state of the resource.
  • steering_policy_id - The OCID of the attached steering policy.
  • time_created - The date and time the resource was created, expressed in RFC 3339 timestamp format.

    Example: 2016-07-22T17:23:59:60Z

  • zone_id - The OCID of the attached zone.