» Data Source: oci_email_suppressions
This data source provides the list of Suppressions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email service.
Gets a list of suppressed recipient email addresses for a user. The
for suppressions must be a tenancy OCID. The returned list
is sorted by creation time in descending order.
» Example Usage
data "oci_email_suppressions" "test_suppressions" {
compartment_id = "${var.tenancy_ocid}"
email_address = "${var.suppression_email_address}"
time_created_greater_than_or_equal_to = "${var.suppression_time_created_greater_than_or_equal_to}"
time_created_less_than = "${var.suppression_time_created_less_than}"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The OCID for the compartment. -
- (Optional) The email address of the suppression. -
- (Optional) Search for suppressions that were created within a specific date range, using this parameter to specify the earliest creation date for the returned list (inclusive). Specifying this parameter without the correspondingtimeCreatedLessThan
parameter will retrieve suppressions created from the giventimeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo
to the current time, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.Example: 2016-12-19T16:39:57.600Z
- (Optional) Search for suppressions that were created within a specific date range, using this parameter to specify the latest creation date for the returned list (exclusive). Specifying this parameter without the correspondingtimeCreatedGreaterThanOrEqualTo
parameter will retrieve all suppressions created before the specified end date, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.Example: 2016-12-19T16:39:57.600Z
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The list of suppressions.
» Suppression Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy OCID. -
- The email address of the suppression. -
- The unique OCID of the suppression. -
- The reason that the email address was suppressed. For more information on the types of bounces, see Suppression List. -
- The date and time a recipient's email address was added to the suppression list, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.