» Data Source: oci_file_storage_exports

This data source provides the list of Exports in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage service.

Lists export resources by compartment, file system, or export set. You must specify an export set ID, a file system ID, and / or a compartment ID.

» Example Usage

data "oci_file_storage_exports" "test_exports" {

    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    export_set_id = "${oci_file_storage_export_set.test_export_set.id}"
    file_system_id = "${oci_file_storage_file_system.test_file_system.id}"
    id = "${var.export_id}"
    state = "${var.export_state}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Optional) The OCID of the compartment.
  • export_set_id - (Optional) The OCID of the export set.
  • file_system_id - (Optional) The OCID of the file system.
  • id - (Optional) Filter results by OCID. Must be an OCID of the correct type for the resouce type.
  • state - (Optional) Filter results by the specified lifecycle state. Must be a valid state for the resource type.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» Export Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • export_options - Policies that apply to NFS requests made through this export. exportOptions contains a sequential list of ClientOptions. Each ClientOptions item defines the export options that are applied to a specified set of clients.

    For each NFS request, the first ClientOptions option in the list whose source attribute matches the source IP address of the request is applied.

    If a client source IP address does not match the source property of any ClientOptions in the list, then the export will be invisible to that client. This export will not be returned by MOUNTPROC_EXPORT calls made by the client and any attempt to mount or access the file system through this export will result in an error.

    Exports without defined ClientOptions are invisible to all clients.

    If one export is invisible to a particular client, associated file systems may still be accessible through other exports on the same or different mount targets. To completely deny client access to a file system, be sure that the client source IP address is not included in any export for any mount target associated with the file system.

    • access - Type of access to grant clients using the file system through this export. If unspecified defaults to READ_ONLY.
    • anonymous_gid - GID value to remap to when squashing a client GID (see identitySquash for more details.) If unspecified defaults to 65534.
    • anonymous_uid - UID value to remap to when squashing a client UID (see identitySquash for more details.) If unspecified, defaults to 65534.
    • identity_squash - Used when clients accessing the file system through this export have their UID and GID remapped to 'anonymousUid' and 'anonymousGid'. If ALL, all users and groups are remapped; if ROOT, only the root user and group (UID/GID 0) are remapped; if NONE, no remapping is done. If unspecified, defaults to ROOT.
    • require_privileged_source_port - If true, clients accessing the file system through this export must connect from a privileged source port. If unspecified, defaults to true.
    • source - Clients these options should apply to. Must be a either single IPv4 address or single IPv4 CIDR block.

      Note: Access will also be limited by any applicable VCN security rules and the ability to route IP packets to the mount target. Mount targets do not have Internet-routable IP addresses.

  • export_set_id - The OCID of this export's export set.

  • file_system_id - The OCID of this export's file system.

  • id - The OCID of this export.

  • path - Path used to access the associated file system.

    Avoid entering confidential information.

    Example: /accounting

  • state - The current state of this export.

  • time_created - The date and time the export was created, expressed in RFC 3339 timestamp format. Example: 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z