» oci_core_image

This resource provides the Image resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

Creates a boot disk image for the specified instance or imports an exported image from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

When creating a new image, you must provide the OCID of the instance you want to use as the basis for the image, and the OCID of the compartment containing that instance. For more information about images, see Managing Custom Images.

When importing an exported image from Object Storage, you specify the source information in ImageSourceDetails.

When importing an image based on the namespace, bucket name, and object name, use ImageSourceViaObjectStorageTupleDetails.

When importing an image based on the Object Storage URL, use ImageSourceViaObjectStorageUriDetails. See Object Storage URLs and pre-authenticated requests for constructing URLs for image import/export.

For more information about importing exported images, see Image Import/Export.

You may optionally specify a display name for the image, which is simply a friendly name or description. It does not have to be unique, and you can change it. See UpdateImage. Avoid entering confidential information.

» Example Usage

» Create image from instance in tenancy

resource "oci_core_image" "test_image" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    instance_id = "${oci_core_instance.test_instance.id}"

    defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
    display_name = "${var.image_display_name}"
    launch_mode = "${var.image_launch_mode}"
    freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}

» Create image from exported image via direct access to object store

resource "oci_core_image" "test_image" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"

    display_name = "${var.image_display_name}"
    launch_mode = "${var.image_launch_mode}"

    image_source_details {
        source_type = "objectStorageTuple"
        bucket_name = "${var.bucket_name}"
        namespace_name = "${var.namespace}"
        object_name = "${var.object_name}" # exported image name

        source_image_type = "${var.source_image_type}"

» Create image from exported image at publicly accessible uri

resource "oci_core_image" "test_image" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"

    display_name = "${var.image_display_name}"
    launch_mode = "${var.image_launch_mode}"

    image_source_details {
        source_type = "objectStorageUri"
        source_uri = "${var.source_uri}" 

        source_image_type = "${var.source_image_type}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment containing the instance you want to use as the basis for the image.
  • defined_tags - (Optional) (Updatable) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
  • display_name - (Optional) (Updatable) A user-friendly name for the image. It does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

    You cannot use an Oracle-provided image name as a custom image name.

    Example: My Oracle Linux image

  • freeform_tags - (Optional) (Updatable) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}

  • image_source_details - (Optional) Details for creating an image through import

    • bucket_name - (Required when source_type=objectStorageTuple) The Object Storage bucket for the image.
    • namespace_name - (Required when source_type=objectStorageTuple) The Object Storage namespace for the image.
    • object_name - (Required when source_type=objectStorageTuple) The Object Storage name for the image.
    • source_image_type - (Optional) The format of the image to be imported. Exported Oracle images are QCOW2. Only monolithic images are supported. Allowed values are:
    • source_type - (Required) The source type for the image. Use objectStorageTuple when specifying the namespace, bucket name, and object name. Use objectStorageUri when specifying the Object Storage URL.
    • source_uri - (Required when source_type=objectStorageUri) The Object Storage URL for the image.
  • instance_id - (Optional -- required when not specifying image_source_details) The OCID of the instance you want to use as the basis for the image.

  • launch_mode - (Optional) Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are:

    • NATIVE - VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for Oracle-provided images.
    • EMULATED - VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller.
    • PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using virtio drivers.
    • CUSTOM - VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in the LaunchOptions parameter.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • agent_features -
    • is_monitoring_supported - Whether the agent running on the instance can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance.
  • base_image_id - The OCID of the image originally used to launch the instance.
  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment containing the instance you want to use as the basis for the image.
  • create_image_allowed - Whether instances launched with this image can be used to create new images. For example, you cannot create an image of an Oracle Database instance. Example: true
  • defined_tags - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
  • display_name - A user-friendly name for the image. It does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information. You cannot use an Oracle-provided image name as a custom image name. Example: My custom Oracle Linux image
  • freeform_tags - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
  • id - The OCID of the image.
  • launch_mode - Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are:
    • NATIVE - VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for Oracle-provided images.
    • EMULATED - VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller.
    • PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using virtio drivers.
    • CUSTOM - VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in the LaunchOptions parameter.
  • launch_options -
    • boot_volume_type - Emulation type for volume.
      • ISCSI - ISCSI attached block storage device. This is the default for Boot Volumes and Remote Block Storage volumes on Oracle provided images.
      • SCSI - Emulated SCSI disk.
      • IDE - Emulated IDE disk.
      • VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for Local data volumes on Oracle provided images.
      • PARAVIRTUALIZED - Paravirtualized disk.
    • firmware - Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system.
      • BIOS - Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders.
      • UEFI_64 - Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for Oracle provided images.
    • is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled - Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false.
    • is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled - Whether to enable encryption in transit for the PV boot volume attachment. Defaults to false.
    • network_type - Emulation type for NIC.
      • E1000 - Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver.
      • VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. Default for Oracle provided images.
      • PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using virtio drivers.
    • remote_data_volume_type - Emulation type for volume.
      • ISCSI - ISCSI attached block storage device. This is the default for Boot Volumes and Remote Block Storage volumes on Oracle provided images.
      • SCSI - Emulated SCSI disk.
      • IDE - Emulated IDE disk.
      • VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for Local data volumes on Oracle provided images.
      • PARAVIRTUALIZED - Paravirtualized disk.
  • operating_system - The image's operating system. Example: Oracle Linux
  • operating_system_version - The image's operating system version. Example: 7.2
  • size_in_mbs - Image size (1 MB = 1048576 bytes) Example: 47694
  • state - The current state of the image.
  • time_created - The date and time the image was created, in the format defined by RFC3339. Example: 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z

» Import

Images can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_core_image.test_image "id"