» oci_core_remote_peering_connection

This resource provides the Remote Peering Connection resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.

Creates a new remote peering connection (RPC) for the specified DRG.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_core_remote_peering_connection" "test_remote_peering_connection" {
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    drg_id = "${oci_core_drg.test_drg.id}"

    display_name = "${var.remote_peering_connection_display_name}"
    peer_id = "${oci_core_remote_peering_connection.test_remote_peering_connection2.id}"
    peer_region_name = "${var.remote_peering_connection_peer_region_name}"

» Argument Reference

  • Specifying a peer_id and a peer_region_name creates a connection to the specified RPC ID. Both peer_id and peer_region_name are required for the connection to succeed.
  • If the specified peer_id is also a resource in the terraform config you will have do a terraform refresh after the terraform apply in order to get the latest connection information on that resource.
  • To disconnect the peering connection at least one of the RPC resources in the connection will have to be destroyed, however in terraform we recommend that when one RPC is destroyed the peer should also be destroyed. If one of them is not destroyed it will have a REVOKED peering_status. If another RPC resource tries to connect to this RPC resource the peering_status on the requestor will be INVALID. To solve this you will have to run terraform taint oci_core_remote_peering_connection.test_remote_peering_connection on the acceptor resource or target delete it terraform destroy -target="oci_core_remote_peering_connection.test_remote_peering_connection".

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment to contain the RPC.
  • display_name - (Optional) (Updatable) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • drg_id - (Required) The OCID of the DRG the RPC belongs to.
  • peer_id - (Optional) The OCID of the RPC you want to peer with.
  • peer_region_name - (Optional) The name of the region that contains the RPC you want to peer with. Example: us-ashburn-1

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment that contains the RPC.
  • display_name - A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • drg_id - The OCID of the DRG that this RPC belongs to.
  • id - The OCID of the RPC.
  • is_cross_tenancy_peering - Whether the VCN at the other end of the peering is in a different tenancy. Example: false
  • peer_id - If this RPC is peered, this value is the OCID of the other RPC.
  • peer_region_name - If this RPC is peered, this value is the region that contains the other RPC. Example: us-ashburn-1
  • peer_tenancy_id - If this RPC is peered, this value is the OCID of the other RPC's tenancy.
  • peering_status - Whether the RPC is peered with another RPC. NEW means the RPC has not yet been peered. PENDING means the peering is being established. REVOKED means the RPC at the other end of the peering has been deleted.
  • state - The RPC's current lifecycle state.
  • time_created - The date and time the RPC was created, in the format defined by RFC3339. Example: 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z

» Import

RemotePeeringConnections can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_core_remote_peering_connection.test_remote_peering_connection "id"