» oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup

This resource provides the Autonomous Data Warehouse Backup resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service.

Creates a new Autonomous Data Warehouse backup for the specified database based on the provided request parameters.

IMPORTANT: This resource is being deprecated, use oci_database_autonomous_database_backup instead. Refer to the Deprecation Guide below on how to rename and migrate existing resources.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup" "test_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup" {
    autonomous_data_warehouse_id = "${oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse.test_autonomous_data_warehouse.id}"
    display_name = "${var.autonomous_data_warehouse_backup_display_name}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» Import

AutonomousDataWarehouseBackups can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup.test_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup "id"

» Deprecation Guide

To rename existing oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup resource in your Terraform configuration and state to the new type oci_database_autonomous_database_backup, follow the steps below.

  1. Using Terraform, move the existing resource in the state with the following command:

    $ terraform state mv oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup.test_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup oci_database_autonomous_database_backup.test_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup

    Note: Terraform will automatically backup your state file, alternatively you may use -backup=PATH to override where the backup is written.

  2. Update the name of resource oci_database_autonomous_data_warehouse_backup to the new name oci_database_autonomous_database_backup in your Terraform configuration. Do not make any more changes to Terraform configuration at this point other than the resource rename.

  3. Run a Terraform plan to ensure that there are no issues post the state migration.

  4. Use Terraform refresh or apply command to update the local state before making any further configuration changes or updates to the resource. This step ensures that any fields that are marked Computed and/or ForceNew do not cause Terraform errors because of missing entries in local state when updating Terraform configuration.