» oci_database_db_system

This resource provides the Db System resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service.

Launches a new DB system in the specified compartment and availability domain. The Oracle Database edition that you specify applies to all the databases on that DB system. The selected edition cannot be changed.

An initial database is created on the DB system based on the request parameters you provide and some default options. For more information, see Default Options for the Initial Database.

The DB System will include a command line interface (CLI) that you can use to create additional databases and manage existing databases. For more information, see the Oracle Database CLI Reference.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_database_db_system" "test_db_system" {
    availability_domain = "${var.db_system_availability_domain}"
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    database_edition = "${var.db_system_database_edition}"
    db_home {
        database {
            admin_password = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_admin_password}"

            backup_id = "${oci_database_backup.test_backup.id}"
            backup_tde_password = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_backup_tde_password}"
            character_set = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_character_set}"
            db_backup_config {

                auto_backup_enabled = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_db_backup_config_auto_backup_enabled}"
            db_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_db_name}"
            db_workload = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_db_workload}"
            defined_tags = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_defined_tags}"
            freeform_tags = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_freeform_tags}"
            ncharacter_set = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_ncharacter_set}"
            pdb_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_database_pdb_name}"

        db_version = "${var.db_system_db_home_db_version}"
        display_name = "${var.db_system_db_home_display_name}"
    hostname = "${var.db_system_hostname}"
    shape = "${var.db_system_shape}"
    ssh_public_keys = "${var.db_system_ssh_public_keys}"
    subnet_id = "${oci_database_subnet.test_subnet.id}"

    backup_subnet_id = "${oci_database_backup_subnet.test_backup_subnet.id}"
    cluster_name = "${var.db_system_cluster_name}"
    cpu_core_count = "${var.db_system_cpu_core_count}"
    data_storage_percentage = "${var.db_system_data_storage_percentage}"
    data_storage_size_in_gb = "${var.db_system_data_storage_size_in_gb}"
    defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
    disk_redundancy = "${var.db_system_disk_redundancy}"
    display_name = "${var.db_system_display_name}"
    domain = "${var.db_system_domain}"
    fault_domains = "${var.db_system_fault_domains}"
    freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
    license_model = "${var.db_system_license_model}"
    node_count = "${var.db_system_node_count}"
    source = "${var.db_system_source}"
    sparse_diskgroup = "${var.db_system_sparse_diskgroup}"
    time_zone = "${var.db_system_time_zone}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • availability_domain - (Required) The availability domain where the DB system is located.
  • backup_subnet_id - (Optional) The OCID of the backup network subnet the DB system is associated with. Applicable only to Exadata DB systems.

    Subnet Restrictions: See the subnet restrictions information for subnetId.

  • cluster_name - (Optional) The cluster name for Exadata and 2-node RAC virtual machine DB systems. The cluster name must begin with an an alphabetic character, and may contain hyphens (-). Underscores (_) are not permitted. The cluster name can be no longer than 11 characters and is not case sensitive.

  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment the DB system belongs in.

  • cpu_core_count - (Optional) (Updatable) The number of CPU cores to enable for a bare metal or Exadata DB system. The service ignores this value when a VM shape is specified. The valid values depend on the specified shape:

    • BM.DenseIO1.36 - Specify a multiple of 2, from 2 to 36.
    • BM.DenseIO2.52 - Specify a multiple of 2, from 2 to 52.
    • Exadata.Quarter1.84 - Specify a multiple of 2, from 22 to 84.
    • Exadata.Half1.168 - Specify a multiple of 4, from 44 to 168.
    • Exadata.Full1.336 - Specify a multiple of 8, from 88 to 336.
    • Exadata.Quarter2.92 - Specify a multiple of 2, from 0 to 92.
    • Exadata.Half2.184 - Specify a multiple of 4, from 0 to 184.
    • Exadata.Full2.368 - Specify a multiple of 8, from 0 to 368.

    This parameter is not used for virtual machine DB systems because virtual machine DB systems have a set number of cores for each shape. For information about the number of cores for a virtual machine DB system shape, see Virtual Machine DB Systems

  • data_storage_percentage - (Optional) The percentage assigned to DATA storage (user data and database files). The remaining percentage is assigned to RECO storage (database redo logs, archive logs, and recovery manager backups). Specify 80 or 40. The default is 80 percent assigned to DATA storage. Not applicable for virtual machine DB systems.

  • data_storage_size_in_gb - (Optional) (Updatable) Size (in GB) of the initial data volume that will be created and attached to a virtual machine DB system. You can scale up storage after provisioning, as needed. Note that the total storage size attached will be more than the amount you specify to allow for REDO/RECO space and software volume.

  • database_edition - (Required) The Oracle Database Edition that applies to all the databases on the DB system. Exadata DB systems and 2-node RAC DB systems require ENTERPRISE_EDITION_EXTREME_PERFORMANCE.

  • db_home - (Required)

    • database - (Required)

      • admin_password - (Required) A strong password for SYS, SYSTEM, PDB Admin and TDE Wallet. The password must be at least nine characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two numbers, and two special characters. The special characters must be _, #, or -.
      • backup_id - (Required when source=DB_BACKUP) The backup OCID.
      • backup_tde_password - (Required when source=DB_BACKUP) The password to open the TDE wallet.
      • character_set - (Applicable when source=NONE) The character set for the database. The default is AL32UTF8. Allowed values are:


      • db_backup_config - (Applicable when source=NONE) (Updatable)

        • auto_backup_enabled - (Applicable when source=NONE) (Updatable) If set to true, configures automatic backups. If you previously used RMAN or dbcli to configure backups and then you switch to using the Console or the API for backups, a new backup configuration is created and associated with your database. This means that you can no longer rely on your previously configured unmanaged backups to work.
      • db_name - (Required when source=NONE, Applicable when source=DB_BACKUP) The display name of the database. It must begin with an alphabetic character and can contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not permitted.

      • db_workload - (Applicable when source=NONE) The database workload type.

      • defined_tags - (Applicable when source=NONE) (Updatable) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}

      • freeform_tags - (Applicable when source=NONE) (Updatable) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}

      • ncharacter_set - (Applicable when source=NONE) The national character set for the database. The default is AL16UTF16. Allowed values are: AL16UTF16 or UTF8.

      • pdb_name - (Applicable when source=NONE) The name of the pluggable database. The name must begin with an alphabetic character and can contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not permitted. Pluggable database should not be same as database name.

    • db_version - (Required when source=NONE) A valid Oracle Database version. To get a list of supported versions, use the ListDbVersions operation.

    • display_name - (Optional) The user-provided name of the database home.

  • defined_tags - (Optional) (Updatable) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}

  • disk_redundancy - (Optional) The type of redundancy configured for the DB system. Normal is 2-way redundancy, recommended for test and development systems. High is 3-way redundancy, recommended for production systems.

  • display_name - (Optional) The user-friendly name for the DB system. The name does not have to be unique.

  • domain - (Optional) A domain name used for the DB system. If the Oracle-provided Internet and VCN Resolver is enabled for the specified subnet, the domain name for the subnet is used (do not provide one). Otherwise, provide a valid DNS domain name. Hyphens (-) are not permitted.

  • fault_domains - (Optional) A Fault Domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Fault Domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or maintenance that affects one Fault Domain does not affect DB systems in other Fault Domains.

    If you do not specify the Fault Domain, the system selects one for you. To change the Fault Domain for a DB system, terminate it and launch a new DB system in the preferred Fault Domain.

    If the node count is greater than 1, you can specify which Fault Domains these nodes will be distributed into. The system assigns your nodes automatically to the Fault Domains you specify so that no Fault Domain contains more than one node.

    To get a list of Fault Domains, use the ListFaultDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API.

    Example: FAULT-DOMAIN-1

  • freeform_tags - (Optional) (Updatable) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}

  • hostname - (Required) The hostname for the DB system. The hostname must begin with an alphabetic character, and can contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). The maximum length of the hostname is 16 characters for bare metal and virtual machine DB systems, and 12 characters for Exadata DB systems.

    The maximum length of the combined hostname and domain is 63 characters.

    Note: The hostname must be unique within the subnet. If it is not unique, the DB system will fail to provision.

  • license_model - (Optional) The Oracle license model that applies to all the databases on the DB system. The default is LICENSE_INCLUDED. Allowed values are: LICENSE_INCLUDED, BRING_YOUR_OWN_LICENSE.

  • node_count - (Optional) The number of nodes to launch for a 2-node RAC virtual machine DB system.

  • shape - (Required) The shape of the DB system. The shape determines resources allocated to the DB system.

    • For virtual machine shapes, the number of CPU cores and memory
    • For bare metal and Exadata shapes, the number of CPU cores, memory, and storage

    To get a list of shapes, use the ListDbSystemShapes operation.

  • source - (Optional) The source of the database: NONE for creating a new database. DB_BACKUP for creating a new database by restoring from a backup. The default is NONE.

  • sparse_diskgroup - (Optional) If true, Sparse Diskgroup is configured for Exadata dbsystem. If False, Sparse diskgroup is not configured.

  • ssh_public_keys - (Required) (Updatable) The public key portion of the key pair to use for SSH access to the DB system. Multiple public keys can be provided. The length of the combined keys cannot exceed 40,000 characters.

  • subnet_id - (Required) The OCID of the subnet the DB system is associated with.

    Subnet Restrictions:

    • For bare metal DB systems and for single node virtual machine DB systems, do not use a subnet that overlaps with
    • For Exadata and virtual machine 2-node RAC DB systems, do not use a subnet that overlaps with

    These subnets are used by the Oracle Clusterware private interconnect on the database instance. Specifying an overlapping subnet will cause the private interconnect to malfunction. This restriction applies to both the client subnet and the backup subnet.

  • time_zone - (Optional) The time zone to use for the DB system. For details, see DB System Time Zones.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • availability_domain - The name of the availability domain that the DB system is located in.
  • backup_subnet_id - The OCID of the backup network subnet the DB system is associated with. Applicable only to Exadata DB systems.

    Subnet Restriction: See the subnet restrictions information for subnetId.

  • cluster_name - The cluster name for Exadata and 2-node RAC virtual machine DB systems. The cluster name must begin with an an alphabetic character, and may contain hyphens (-). Underscores (_) are not permitted. The cluster name can be no longer than 11 characters and is not case sensitive.

  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment.

  • cpu_core_count - The number of CPU cores enabled on the DB system.

  • data_storage_percentage - The percentage assigned to DATA storage (user data and database files). The remaining percentage is assigned to RECO storage (database redo logs, archive logs, and recovery manager backups). Accepted values are 40 and 80. The default is 80 percent assigned to DATA storage. Not applicable for virtual machine DB systems.

  • data_storage_size_in_gb - The data storage size, in gigabytes, that is currently available to the DB system. Applies only for virtual machine DB systems.

  • database_edition - The Oracle Database edition that applies to all the databases on the DB system.

  • db_home -

    • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment.
    • database
      • character_set - The character set for the database.
      • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment.
      • connection_strings - The Connection strings used to connect to the Oracle Database.
      • db_backup_config -
        • auto_backup_enabled - If set to true, configures automatic backups. If you previously used RMAN or dbcli to configure backups and then you switch to using the Console or the API for backups, a new backup configuration is created and associated with your database. This means that you can no longer rely on your previously configured unmanaged backups to work.
      • db_home_id - The OCID of the database home.
      • db_name - The database name.
      • db_unique_name - A system-generated name for the database to ensure uniqueness within an Oracle Data Guard group (a primary database and its standby databases). The unique name cannot be changed.
      • db_workload - The database workload type.
      • defined_tags - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
      • freeform_tags - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
      • id - The OCID of the database.
      • last_backup_timestamp - The date and time when the latest database backup was created.
      • lifecycle_details - Additional information about the current lifecycleState.
      • ncharacter_set - The national character set for the database.
      • pdb_name - The name of the pluggable database. The name must begin with an alphabetic character and can contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not permitted. Pluggable database should not be same as database name.
      • state - The current state of the database.
      • time_created - The date and time the database was created.
    • db_system_id - The OCID of the DB system.
    • db_version - The Oracle Database version.
    • display_name - The user-provided name for the database home. The name does not need to be unique.
    • id - The OCID of the database home.
    • last_patch_history_entry_id - The OCID of the last patch history. This value is updated as soon as a patch operation is started.
    • state - The current state of the database home.
    • time_created - The date and time the database home was created.
  • defined_tags - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}

  • disk_redundancy - The type of redundancy configured for the DB system. NORMAL is 2-way redundancy. HIGH is 3-way redundancy.

  • display_name - The user-friendly name for the DB system. The name does not have to be unique.

  • domain - The domain name for the DB system.

  • fault_domains - List of the Fault Domains in which this DB system is provisioned.

  • freeform_tags - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}

  • hostname - The hostname for the DB system.

  • id - The OCID of the DB system.

  • last_patch_history_entry_id - The OCID of the last patch history. This value is updated as soon as a patch operation starts.

  • license_model - The Oracle license model that applies to all the databases on the DB system. The default is LICENSE_INCLUDED.

  • lifecycle_details - Additional information about the current lifecycleState.

  • listener_port - The port number configured for the listener on the DB system.

  • node_count - The number of nodes in the DB system. For RAC DB systems, the value is greater than 1.

  • reco_storage_size_in_gb - The RECO/REDO storage size, in gigabytes, that is currently allocated to the DB system. Applies only for virtual machine DB systems.

  • scan_dns_record_id - The OCID of the DNS record for the SCAN IP addresses that are associated with the DB system.

  • scan_ip_ids - The OCID of the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) IP addresses associated with the DB system. SCAN IP addresses are typically used for load balancing and are not assigned to any interface. Oracle Clusterware directs the requests to the appropriate nodes in the cluster.

    Note: For a single-node DB system, this list is empty.

  • shape - The shape of the DB system. The shape determines resources to allocate to the DB system.

    • For virtual machine shapes, the number of CPU cores and memory
    • For bare metal and Exadata shapes, the number of CPU cores, storage, and memory
  • sparse_diskgroup - True, if Sparse Diskgroup is configured for Exadata dbsystem, False, if Sparse diskgroup was not configured.

  • ssh_public_keys - The public key portion of one or more key pairs used for SSH access to the DB system.

  • state - The current state of the DB system.

  • subnet_id - The OCID of the subnet the DB system is associated with.

    Subnet Restrictions:

    • For bare metal DB systems and for single node virtual machine DB systems, do not use a subnet that overlaps with
    • For Exadata and virtual machine 2-node RAC DB systems, do not use a subnet that overlaps with

    These subnets are used by the Oracle Clusterware private interconnect on the database instance. Specifying an overlapping subnet will cause the private interconnect to malfunction. This restriction applies to both the client subnet and backup subnet.

  • time_created - The date and time the DB system was created.

  • time_zone - The time zone of the DB system. For details, see DB System Time Zones.

  • version - The Oracle Database version of the DB system.

  • vip_ids - The OCID of the virtual IP (VIP) addresses associated with the DB system. The Cluster Ready Services (CRS) creates and maintains one VIP address for each node in the DB system to enable failover. If one node fails, the VIP is reassigned to another active node in the cluster.

    Note: For a single-node DB system, this list is empty.

» Import

DBSystems can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_database_db_system.test_db_system "id"

Import is only supported for source=NONE

db_home.0.database.0.admin_password is not returned by the service for security reasons. To avoid a force new of the db_home on the next apply you can manually modify the statefile to add the field or you can add the following to the resource:

    lifecycle {
        ignore_changes = ["db_home.0.database.0.admin_password"]

You may also need to add hostname to the ignore_changes list if you see a diff on a subsequent apply