» oci_email_suppression

This resource provides the Suppression resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email service.

Adds recipient email addresses to the suppression list for a tenancy. Addresses added to the suppression list via the API are denoted as "MANUAL" in the reason field. Note: All email addresses added to the suppression list are normalized to include only lowercase letters.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_email_suppression" "test_suppression" {
    compartment_id = "${var.tenancy_ocid}"
    email_address = "${var.suppression_email_address}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • compartment_id - (Required) The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy OCID.
  • email_address - (Required) The recipient email address of the suppression.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy OCID.
  • email_address - The email address of the suppression.
  • id - The unique OCID of the suppression.
  • reason - The reason that the email address was suppressed. For more information on the types of bounces, see Suppression List.
  • time_created - The date and time a recipient's email address was added to the suppression list, in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.

» Import

Suppressions can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_email_suppression.test_suppression "id"