» oci_kms_generated_key

The oci_kms_generated_key resource creates and manages an OCI GeneratedKey

Generates a key that you can use to encrypt or decrypt data.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_kms_generated_key" "test_generated_key" {
    crypto_endpoint = "${var.generated_key_crypto_endpoint}"
    include_plaintext_key = "${var.generated_key_include_plaintext_key}"
    key_id = "${oci_kms_key.test_key.id}"
    key_shape {
        algorithm = "${var.generated_key_key_shape_algorithm}"
        length = "${var.generated_key_key_shape_length}"

    associated_data = "${var.generated_key_associated_data}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • associated_data - (Optional) Information that can be used to provide an encryption context for the encrypted data. The length of the string representation of the associatedData must be fewer than 4096 characters.
  • crypto_endpoint - (Required) The service endpoint to perform cryptographic operations against. Cryptographic operations include 'Encrypt,' 'Decrypt,' and 'GenerateDataEncryptionKey' operations. see Vault Crypto endpoint.
  • include_plaintext_key - (Required) If true, the generated key is also returned unencrypted.
  • key_id - (Required) The OCID of the master encryption key to encrypt the generated data encryption key with.
  • key_shape - (Required)
    • algorithm - (Required) The algorithm used by a key's KeyVersions to encrypt or decrypt.
    • length - (Required) The length of the key, expressed as an integer. Values of 16, 24, or 32 are supported.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • ciphertext - The encrypted generated data encryption key.
  • plaintext - The plaintext generated data encryption key, a base64-encoded sequence of random bytes, which is included if the GenerateDataEncryptionKey request includes the "includePlaintextKey" parameter and sets its value to 'true'.
  • plaintext_checksum - The checksum of the plaintext generated data encryption key, which is included if the GenerateDataEncryptionKey request includes the "includePlaintextKey parameter and sets its value to 'true'.

» Import

Not Supported.