» oci_objectstorage_object

This resource provides the Object resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

Creates a new object or overwrites an existing one. See Special Instructions for Object Storage PUT for request signature requirements.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_objectstorage_object" "test_object" {
    bucket = "${var.object_bucket}"
    content = "${var.object_content}"
    namespace = "${var.object_namespace}"
    object = "${var.object_object}"

    content_encoding = "${var.object_content_encoding}"
    content_language = "${var.object_content_language}"
    content_type = "${var.object_content_type}"
    metadata = "${var.object_metadata}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bucket - (Required) The name of the bucket. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: my-new-bucket1
  • content_encoding - (Optional) The content encoding of the object.
  • content_language - (Optional) The content language of the object.
  • content_type - (Optional) The content type of the object. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if not overridden during the PutObject call.
  • content - (Required) The object to upload to the object store. Cannot be defined if source or source_uri_details is defined.
  • metadata - (Optional) Optional user-defined metadata key and value. Note: All specified keys must be in lower case.
  • namespace - (Required) The Object Storage namespace used for the request.
  • object - (Required) The name of the object. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: test/object1.log
  • source - (Optional) An absolute path to a file on the local system. Cannot be defined if content or source_uri_details is defined.
  • source_uri_details - (Optional) Details of the source URI of the object in the cloud. Cannot be defined if content or source is defined. Note: To enable object copy, you must authorize the service to manage objects on your behalf.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • bucket - The name of the bucket. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: my-new-bucket1
  • content - The object to upload to the object store.
  • content_encoding - The content encoding of the object.
  • content_language - The content language of the object.
  • content_length - The content length of the body.
  • content_md5 - The base-64 encoded MD5 hash of the body.
  • content_type - The content type of the object. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if not overridden during the PutObject call.
  • metadata - Optional user-defined metadata key and value. Note: Metadata keys are case-insensitive and all returned keys will be lower case.
  • namespace - The top-level namespace used for the request.
  • object - The name of the object. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: test/object1.log
  • source - An absolute path to a file on the local system to upload to the object store.
  • source_uri_details - Details of the source URI of the object in the cloud.
    • region - The region of the source object.
    • namespace - The top-level namespace of the source object.
    • bucket - The name of the bucket for the source object.
    • object - The name of the source object.

» Import

Objects can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_objectstorage_object.test_object "n/{namespaceName}/b/{bucketName}/o/{objectName}"