» oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy

This resource provides the Object Lifecycle Policy resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

Creates or replaces the object lifecycle policy for the bucket.

» Example Usage

resource "oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy" "test_object_lifecycle_policy" {
    bucket = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_bucket}"
    namespace = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_namespace}"

    rules {
        action = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_action}"
        is_enabled = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_is_enabled}"
        name = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_name}"
        time_amount = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_time_amount}"
        time_unit = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_time_unit}"

        object_name_filter {

            exclusion_patterns = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_object_name_filter_exclusion_patterns}"
            inclusion_patterns = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_object_name_filter_inclusion_patterns}"
            inclusion_prefixes = "${var.object_lifecycle_policy_rules_object_name_filter_inclusion_prefixes}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bucket - (Required) The name of the bucket. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: my-new-bucket1
  • namespace - (Required) The Object Storage namespace used for the request.
  • rules - (Optional) (Updatable) The bucket's set of lifecycle policy rules.

    • action - (Required) (Updatable) The action of the object lifecycle policy rule. Rules using the action 'ARCHIVE' move objects into the Archive Storage tier. Rules using the action 'DELETE' permanently delete objects from buckets. 'ARCHIVE' and 'DELETE' are the only two supported actions at this time.
    • is_enabled - (Required) (Updatable) A boolean that determines whether this rule is currently enabled.
    • name - (Required) (Updatable) The name of the lifecycle rule to be applied.
    • object_name_filter - (Optional) (Updatable) A filter limiting object names that the rule will apply to.

      • exclusion_patterns - (Optional) (Updatable) An array of glob patterns to match the object names to exclude. An empty array is ignored. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns. A Glob pattern is a sequence of characters to match text. Any character that appears in the pattern, other than the special pattern characters described below, matches itself. Glob patterns must be between 1 and 1024 characters.

        The special pattern characters have the following meanings:

        \ Escapes the following character

        • Matches any string of characters. ? Matches any single character . [...] Matches a group of characters. A group of characters can be: A set of characters, for example: [Zafg9@]. This matches any character in the brackets. A range of characters, for example: [a-z]. This matches any character in the range. [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef]. For character ranges only the CHARACTER-CHARACTER pattern is supported. [ab-yz] is not valid [a-mn-z] is not valid Character ranges can not start with ^ or : To include a '-' in the range, make it the first or last character.
      • inclusion_patterns - (Optional) (Updatable) An array of glob patterns to match the object names to include. An empty array includes all objects in the bucket. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns. A Glob pattern is a sequence of characters to match text. Any character that appears in the pattern, other than the special pattern characters described below, matches itself. Glob patterns must be between 1 and 1024 characters.

        The special pattern characters have the following meanings:

        \ Escapes the following character

        • Matches any string of characters. ? Matches any single character . [...] Matches a group of characters. A group of characters can be: A set of characters, for example: [Zafg9@]. This matches any character in the brackets. A range of characters, for example: [a-z]. This matches any character in the range. [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef]. For character ranges only the CHARACTER-CHARACTER pattern is supported. [ab-yz] is not valid [a-mn-z] is not valid Character ranges can not start with ^ or : To include a '-' in the range, make it the first or last character.
      • inclusion_prefixes - (Optional) (Updatable) An array of object name prefixes that the rule will apply to. An empty array means to include all objects.

    • time_amount - (Required) (Updatable) Specifies the age of objects to apply the rule to. The timeAmount is interpreted in units defined by the timeUnit parameter, and is calculated in relation to each object's Last-Modified time.

    • time_unit - (Required) (Updatable) The unit that should be used to interpret timeAmount. Days are defined as starting and ending at midnight UTC. Years are defined as 365.2425 days long and likewise round up to the next midnight UTC.

** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • rules - The live lifecycle policy on the bucket.

    For an example of this value, see the PutObjectLifecyclePolicy API documentation.

    • action - The action of the object lifecycle policy rule. Rules using the action 'ARCHIVE' move objects into the Archive Storage tier. Rules using the action 'DELETE' permanently delete objects from buckets. 'ARCHIVE' and 'DELETE' are the only two supported actions at this time.
    • is_enabled - A boolean that determines whether this rule is currently enabled.
    • name - The name of the lifecycle rule to be applied.
    • object_name_filter - A filter limiting object names that the rule will apply to.

      • exclusion_patterns - An array of glob patterns to match the object names to exclude. An empty array is ignored. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns. A Glob pattern is a sequence of characters to match text. Any character that appears in the pattern, other than the special pattern characters described below, matches itself. Glob patterns must be between 1 and 1024 characters.

        The special pattern characters have the following meanings:

        \ Escapes the following character

        • Matches any string of characters. ? Matches any single character . [...] Matches a group of characters. A group of characters can be: A set of characters, for example: [Zafg9@]. This matches any character in the brackets. A range of characters, for example: [a-z]. This matches any character in the range. [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef]. For character ranges only the CHARACTER-CHARACTER pattern is supported. [ab-yz] is not valid [a-mn-z] is not valid Character ranges can not start with ^ or : To include a '-' in the range, make it the first or last character.
      • inclusion_patterns - An array of glob patterns to match the object names to include. An empty array includes all objects in the bucket. Exclusion patterns take precedence over inclusion patterns. A Glob pattern is a sequence of characters to match text. Any character that appears in the pattern, other than the special pattern characters described below, matches itself. Glob patterns must be between 1 and 1024 characters.

        The special pattern characters have the following meanings:

        \ Escapes the following character

        • Matches any string of characters. ? Matches any single character . [...] Matches a group of characters. A group of characters can be: A set of characters, for example: [Zafg9@]. This matches any character in the brackets. A range of characters, for example: [a-z]. This matches any character in the range. [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef]. For character ranges only the CHARACTER-CHARACTER pattern is supported. [ab-yz] is not valid [a-mn-z] is not valid Character ranges can not start with ^ or : To include a '-' in the range, make it the first or last character.
      • inclusion_prefixes - An array of object name prefixes that the rule will apply to. An empty array means to include all objects.

    • time_amount - Specifies the age of objects to apply the rule to. The timeAmount is interpreted in units defined by the timeUnit parameter, and is calculated in relation to each object's Last-Modified time.

    • time_unit - The unit that should be used to interpret timeAmount. Days are defined as starting and ending at midnight UTC. Years are defined as 365.2425 days long and likewise round up to the next midnight UTC.

  • time_created - The date and time the object lifecycle policy was created, as described in RFC 3339, section 14.29.

» Import

ObjectLifecyclePolicies can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy.test_object_lifecycle_policy "n/{namespaceName}/b/{bucketName}/l"