» opc_compute_route

The opc_compute_route resource creates and manages a route for an IP Network in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic identity domain.

» Example Usage

resource "opc_compute_route" "foo" {
  name              = "my-route"
  description       = "my IP Network route"
  admin_distance    = 1
  ip_address_prefix = ""
  next_hop_vnic_set = "${opc_compute_vnic_set.bar.name}"
  tags              = ["tag1", "tag2"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the route.

  • description - (Optional) The description of the route.

  • admin_distance - (Optional) The route's administrative distance. Defaults to 0.

  • ip_address_prefix - (Required) The IPv4 address prefix, in CIDR format, of the external network from which to route traffic.

  • next_hop_vnic_set - (Required) Name of the virtual NIC set to route matching packets to. Routed flows are load-balanced among all the virtual NICs in the virtual NIC set.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name The name of the route

  • description - The description of the route.

  • admin_distance - The route's administrative distance. Defaults to 0.

  • ip_address_prefix - The IPv4 address prefix, in CIDR format, of the external network from which to route traffic.

  • next_hop_vnic_set - Name of the virtual NIC set to route matching packets to. Routed flows are load-balanced among all the virtual NICs in the virtual NIC set.

» Import

Route's can be imported using the resource name, e.g.

$ terraform import opc_compute_route.route1 example