» openstack_containerinfra_clustertemplate_v1

Use this data source to get the ID of an available OpenStack Magnum cluster template.

» Example Usage

data "openstack_containerinfra_clustertemplate_v1" "clustertemplate_1" {
  name = "clustertemplate_1"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used.

  • name - (Required) The name of the cluster template.

» Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the found cluster template. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • region - See Argument Reference above.

  • name - See Argument Reference above.

  • project_id - The project of the cluster template.

  • user_id - The user of the cluster template.

  • created_at - The time at which cluster template was created.

  • updated_at - The time at which cluster template was updated.

  • apiserver_port - The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template.

  • coe - The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template.

  • cluster_distro - The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.).

  • dns_nameserver - Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster.

  • docker_storage_driver - Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.

  • docker_volume_size - The size (in GB) of the Docker volume.

  • external_network_id - The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster.

  • fixed_network - The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster.

  • fixed_subnet - =The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster.

  • flavor - The flavor for the nodes of the cluster.

  • master_flavor - The flavor for the master nodes.

  • floating_ip_enabled - Indicates whether created cluster should create IP floating IP for every node or not.

  • http_proxy - The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them.

  • https_proxy - The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them.

  • image - The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster.

  • insecure_registry - The insecure registry URL for the cluster template.

  • keypair_id - The name of the Compute service SSH keypair.

  • labels - The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template.

  • master_lb_enabled - Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not.

  • network_driver - The name of the driver for the container network.

  • no_proxy - A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster.

  • public - Indicates whether cluster template should be public.

  • registry_enabled - Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster.

  • server_type - The server type for the cluster template.

  • tls_disabled - Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster.

  • volume_driver - The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes.