» Data Source: opentelekomcloud_compute_bms_flavors_v2

opentelekomcloud_compute_bms_flavors_v2 used to query flavors of BMSs.

» Example Usage

    variable "flavor_id" { }
    variable "disk_size" { }

    data "opentelekomcloud_compute_bms_flavors_v2" "Query_BMS_flavors" 
        id = "${var.bms_id}",
        min_disk = "${var.disk_size}",
        sort_key = "id",
        sort_dir = "desc",

» Argument Reference

The arguments of this data source act as filters for querying the BMSs details.

  • name - (Optional) - The name of the BMS flavor.

  • id (Optional) - The BMS flavor id.

  • min_ram (Optional) - The minimum memory size in MB. Only the BMSs with the memory size greater than or equal to the minimum size can be queried.

  • min_disk (Optional) - The minimum disk size in GB. Only the BMSs with a disk size greater than or equal to the minimum size can be queried.

  • sort_key (Optional) - The sorting field. The default value is flavorid. The other values are name, memory_mb, vcpus, root_gb, or flavorid.

  • sort_dir (Optional) - The sorting order, which can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc). The default value is asc.

» Attributes Reference

All of the argument attributes are also exported as result attributes.

  • ram - It is the memory size (in MB) of the flavor.

  • vcpus - It is the number of CPU cores in the BMS flavor.

  • disk - Specifies the disk size (GB) in the BMS flavor.

  • swap - This is a reserved attribute.

  • rx_tx_factor - This is a reserved attribute.