» opentelekomcloud_dcs_product_v1

Use this data source to get the ID of an available Opentelekomcloud dcs product.

» Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_dcs_product_v1" "product1" {
  engine = "kafka"
  version = "1.1.0"
  instance_type = "cluster"
  partition_num = 300
  storage = 600
  storage_spec_code = "dcs.physical.storage.high"

» Argument Reference

  • engine - (Required) Indicates the name of a message engine.

  • version - (Optional) Indicates the version of a message engine.

  • instance_type - (Required) Indicates an instance type. Options: "single" and "cluster"

  • vm_specification - (Optional) Indicates VM specifications.

  • storage - (Optional) Indicates the message storage space.

  • bandwidth - (Optional) Indicates the baseline bandwidth of a Kafka instance.

  • partition_num - (Optional) Indicates the maximum number of topics that can be created for a Kafka instance.

  • storage_spec_code - (Optional) Indicates an I/O specification.

  • io_type - (Optional) Indicates an I/O type.

  • node_num - (Optional) Indicates the number of nodes in a cluster.

» Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the found product. In addition, the following attributes are exported: