» opentelekomcloud_csbs_backup_policy_v1

Provides an OpenTelekomCloud Backup Policy of Resources.

» Example Usage

 variable "name" { }
 variable "id" { }
 variable "resource_name" { }

 resource "opentelekomcloud_csbs_backup_policy_v1" "backup_policy_v1" {
   name            = "${var.name}"
   resource {
     id = "${var.id}"
     type = "OS::Nova::Server"
     name = "${var.resource_name}"
   scheduled_operation {
     enabled = true
     operation_type ="backup"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Specifies the name of backup policy. The value consists of 1 to 255 characters and can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

  • description - (Optional) Backup policy description. The value consists of 0 to 255 characters and must not contain a greater-than sign (>) or less-than sign (<).

  • provider_id - (Required) Specifies backup provider ID. Default value is fc4d5750-22e7-4798-8a46-f48f62c4c1da

  • common - (Optional) General backup policy parameters, which are blank by default.

  • scheduled_operation block supports the following arguments:

    • name - (Optional) Specifies Scheduling period name.The value consists of 1 to 255 characters and can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
    • description - (Optional) Specifies Scheduling period description.The value consists of 0 to 255 characters and must not contain a greater-than sign (>) or less-than sign (<).
    • enabled - (Optional) Specifies whether the scheduling period is enabled. Default value is true
    • max_backups - (Optional) Specifies maximum number of backups that can be automatically created for a backup object.
    • retention_duration_days - (Optional) Specifies duration of retaining a backup, in days.
    • permanent - (Optional) Specifies whether backups are permanently retained.
    • trigger_pattern - (Required) Specifies Scheduling policy of the scheduler.
    • operation_type - (Required) Specifies Operation type, which can be backup.
  • resource block supports the following arguments:

    • id - (Required) Specifies the ID of the object to be backed up.
    • type - (Required) Entity object type of the backup object. If the type is VMs, the value is OS::Nova::Server.
    • name - (Required) Specifies backup object name.
  • tags block supports the following arguments:

    • key - (Required) Tag key. It cannot be an empty string.
    • value - (Required) Tag value. It can be an empty string.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • status - Status of Backup Policy.

  • id - Backup Policy ID.

  • scheduled_operation - Backup plan information

» Import

Backup Policy can be imported using id, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_csbs_backup_policy_v1.backup_policy_v1 7056d636-ac60-4663-8a6c-82d3c32c1c64