» Resource: opentelekomcloud_deh_host_v1

Allocates a Dedicated Host to a tenant and set minimum required parameters for this Dedicated Host.

» Example Usage

    resource "opentelekomcloud_deh_host_v1" "deh_host" 
        name = "high_performance_deh"
        auto_placement = "on"
        availability_zone = "eu-de-02"
        host_type = "h1"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name (Required) - The name of the Dedicated Host.

  • auto_placement (Optional) - Allows a instance to be automatically placed onto the available Dedicated Hosts. The default value is on.

  • availability_zone (Required) - The Availability Zone to which the Dedicated Host belongs. Changing this parameter creates a new resource.

  • host_type (Required) - The Dedicated Host type. Expected values are h1, general and d1. Changing this parameter creates a new resource.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

» Import

DeH can be imported using the dedicated_host_id, e.g. $ terraform import opentelekomcloud_deh_host_v1.deh_host 4779ab1c-7c1a-44b1-a02e-93dfc361b32d