» opentelekomcloud_dms_group_v2

Manages a DMS group in the opentelekomcloud DMS Service.

» Example Usage

» Automatically detect the correct network

resource "opentelekomcloud_dms_group_v1" "queue_1" {
  name  = "queue_1"
  description  = "test create dms queue"
  queue_mode  = "FIFO"
  redrive_policy  = "enable"
  max_consume_count = 80

resource "opentelekomcloud_dms_group_v1" "group_1" {
  name = "group_1"
  queue_id = "${opentelekomcloud_dms_queue_v1.queue_1.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Indicates the unique name of a group. A string of 1 to 64 characters that contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The name cannot be modified once specified.

  • queue_id - (Required) Indicates the ID of a specified queue.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - See Argument Reference above.
  • queue_id - Indicates the ID of a queue.
  • redrive_policy - Indicates whether to enable dead letter messages.
  • produced_messages - Indicates the total number of messages (not including the messages that have expired and been deleted) in a queue.
  • consumed_messages - Indicates the total number of messages that are successfully consumed.
  • available_messages - Indicates the accumulated number of messages that can be consumed.
  • produced_deadletters - Indicates the total number of dead letter messages generated by the consumer group.
  • available_deadletters - Indicates the accumulated number of dead letter messages that have not been consumed.