» ovh_iploadbalancing

Use this data source to retrieve information about an IP Load Balancing product

» Example Usage

data "ovh_iploadbalancing" "lb" {
   service_name = "xxx"
   state        = "ok"

» Argument Reference

  • ipv6 - The IPV6 associated to your IP load balancing

  • ipv4 - The IPV4 associated to your IP load balancing

  • zone - Location where your service is. This takes an array of values.

  • offer - The offer of your IP load balancing

  • service_name - The internal name of your IP load balancing

  • ip_loadbalancing - Your IP load balancing

  • state - Current state of your IP. Can take any of the following value: "blacklisted", "deleted", "free", "ok", "quarantined", "suspended"

  • vrack_eligibility - Vrack eligibility. Takes a boolean value.

  • vrack_name - Name of the vRack on which the current Load Balancer is attached to, as it is named on vRack product

  • ssl_configuration - Modern oldest compatible clients : Firefox 27, Chrome 30, IE 11 on Windows 7, Edge, Opera 17, Safari 9, Android 5.0, and Java 8. Intermediate oldest compatible clients : Firefox 1, Chrome 1, IE 7, Opera 5, Safari 1, Windows XP IE8, Android 2.3, Java 7. Can take any of the following value: "intermediate", "modern"

  • display_name - the name displayed in ManagerV6 for your iplb (max 50 chars)

» Attributes Reference

id is set to the service_name of your IP load balancing In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • metrics_token - The metrics token associated with your IP load balancing This attribute is sensitive.

  • orderable_zone - Available additional zone for your Load Balancer

    • name - The zone three letter code
    • plan_code - The billing planCode for this zone