» ovh_me_paymentmean_creditcard

Use this data source to retrieve information about a credit card payment mean associated with an OVH account.

» Example Usage

data "ovh_me_paymentmean_creditcard" "cc" {
   use_default = true

» Argument Reference

  • description_regexp - (Optional) a regexp used to filter credit cards on their description attributes.

  • use_default - (Optional) Retrieve credit card marked as default payment mean.

  • use_last_to_expire - (Optional) Retrieve the credit card that will be the last to expire according to its expiration date.

  • states - (Optional) Filter credit cards on their state attribute. Can be "expired", "valid", "tooManyFailures"

» Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the credit card payment mean

  • description - the description attribute of the credit card
  • state - the state attribute of the credit card
  • default - a boolean which tells if the retrieved credit card is marked as the default payment mean