» packet_bgp_session

Provides a resource to manage BGP sessions in Packet Host. Refer to Packet BGP documentation for more details.

You need to have BGP config enabled in your project.

BGP session must be linked to a device running BIRD or other BGP routing daemon which will control route advertisements via the session to Packet's upstream routers.

» Example Usage

Following HCL illustrates usage of the BGP features in Packet. It will

  • spawn a device in a new BGP-enabled project
  • reserve a floating IPv4 address in the project in the same location as the device
  • configure the floating IPv4 statically in the device
  • install and configure BIRD in the device, and make it announce the floating IPv4 locally
locals {
  bgp_password = "955dB0b81Ef"
  project_id   = "<UUID_of_your_project>"

# you need to enable BGP config for the project. If you decide to create new
# project, you can use the bgp_config section to enable BGP.
# resource "packet_project" "test" {
#   name = "testpro"
#   bgp_config {
#      deployment_type = "local"
#      md5 = "${local.bgp_password}"
#      asn = 65000
#   }
# }

resource "packet_reserved_ip_block" "addr" {
  project_id = "${local.project_id}"
  facility = "ewr1"
  quantity = 1

resource "packet_device" "test" {
  hostname         = "terraform-test-bgp-sesh"
  plan             = "t1.small.x86"
  facilities       = ["ewr1"]
  operating_system = "ubuntu_16_04"
  billing_cycle    = "hourly"
  project_id       = "${local.project_id}"

resource "packet_bgp_session" "test" {
  device_id = "${packet_device.test.id}"
  address_family = "ipv4"

data "template_file" "interface_lo0" {
  template = <<EOF
auto lo:0
iface lo:0 inet static
   address $${floating_ip}
   netmask $${floating_netmask}

  vars = {
    floating_ip       = "${packet_reserved_ip_block.addr.address}"
    floating_netmask  = "${packet_reserved_ip_block.addr.netmask}"

data "template_file" "bird_conf_template" {

  template = <<EOF
filter packet_bgp {
    if net = $${floating_ip}/$${floating_cidr} then accept;
router id $${private_ipv4};
protocol direct {
    interface "lo";
protocol kernel {
    scan time 10;
    import all;
    export all;
protocol device {
    scan time 10;
protocol bgp {
    export filter packet_bgp;
    local as 65000;
    neighbor $${gateway_ip} as 65530;
    password "$${bgp_password}"; 

  vars = {
    floating_ip    = "${packet_reserved_ip_block.addr.address}"
    floating_cidr  = "${packet_reserved_ip_block.addr.cidr}"
    private_ipv4   = "${packet_device.test.network.2.address}"
    gateway_ip     = "${packet_device.test.network.2.gateway}"
    bgp_password   = "${local.bgp_password}"

resource "null_resource" "configure_bird" {

  connection {
    type = "ssh"
    host = "${packet_device.test.access_public_ipv4}"
    private_key = "${file("/home/tomk/keys/tkarasek_key.pem")}"
    agent = false

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "apt-get install bird",
      "mv /etc/bird/bird.conf /etc/bird/bird.conf.old",

  triggers = {
    template = "${data.template_file.bird_conf_template.rendered}"
    template = "${data.template_file.interface_lo0.rendered}"

  provisioner "file" {
    content     = "${data.template_file.bird_conf_template.rendered}"
    destination = "/etc/bird/bird.conf"

  provisioner "file" {
    content     = "${data.template_file.interface_lo0.rendered}"
    destination = "/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo0"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
      "sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1",
      "grep /etc/network/interfaces.d /etc/network/interfaces || echo 'source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*' >> /etc/network/interfaces",
      "ifup lo:0",
      "service bird restart",

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • status: Status of the session - up or down