» packet_project_ssh_key

Provides a Packet project SSH key resource to manage project-specific SSH keys. On contrary to user SSH keys, project SSH keys are used to exclusively populate authorized_keys in new devices.

If you supply a list of project SSH keys when creating a new device, only the listed keys are used; user SSH keys are ignored.

» Example Usage

locals {
  project_id = "<UUID_of_your_project>"

resource "packet_project_ssh_key" "test" {
  name       = "test"
  public_key = "ssh-rsa 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 tomk@hp2"
  project_id = "${local.project_id}"

resource "packet_device" "test" {
  hostname            = "test"
  plan                = "baremetal_0"
  facilities          = ["ewr1"]
  operating_system    = "ubuntu_16_04"
  billing_cycle       = "hourly"
  project_ssh_key_ids = ["${packet_project_ssh_key.test.id}"]
  project_id          = "${local.project_id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the SSH key for identification
  • public_key - (Required) The public key. If this is a file, it can be read using the file interpolation function
  • project_id - (Required) The ID of parent project

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The unique ID of the key
  • name - The name of the SSH key
  • public_key - The text of the public key
  • project_id - The ID of parent project
  • fingerprint - The fingerprint of the SSH key
  • created - The timestamp for when the SSH key was created
  • updated - The timestamp for the last time the SSH key was updated