» pagerduty_escalation_policy

An escalation policy determines what user or schedule will be notified first, second, and so on when an incident is triggered. Escalation policies are used by one or more services.

» Example Usage

resource "pagerduty_team" "example" {
  name        = "Engineering"
  description = "All engineering"

resource "pagerduty_user" "example" {
  name  = "Earline Greenholt"
  email = "125.greenholt.earline@graham.name"
  teams = ["${pagerduty_team.example.id}"]

resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "example" {
  name      = "Engineering Escalation Policy"
  num_loops = 2
  teams     = ["${pagerduty_team.example.id}"]

  rule {
    escalation_delay_in_minutes = 10

    target {
      type = "user"
      id   = "${pagerduty_user.example.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the escalation policy.
  • teams - (Optional) Teams associated with the policy. Account must have the teams ability to use this parameter.
  • description - (Optional) A human-friendly description of the escalation policy. If not set, a placeholder of "Managed by Terraform" will be set.
  • num_loops - (Optional) The number of times the escalation policy will repeat after reaching the end of its escalation.
  • rule - (Required) An Escalation rule block. Escalation rules documented below.

Escalation rules (rule) supports the following:

  • escalation_delay_in_minutes - (Required) The number of minutes before an unacknowledged incident escalates away from this rule.
  • targets - (Required) A target block. Target blocks documented below.

Targets (target) supports the following:

  • type - (Optional) Can be user, schedule, user_reference or schedule_reference. Defaults to user_reference
  • id - (Required) A target ID

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the escalation policy.

» Import

Escalation policies can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import pagerduty_escalation_policy.main PLBP09X