» panos_nat_rule_group

This resource allows you to add/update/delete a group of NAT rules.

This resource manages clusters of NAT rules in a single vsys, enforcing both the contents of individual rules as well as their ordering. Rules are defined in a rule config block.

Although you cannot modify non-group NAT rules with this resource, the position_keyword and position_reference parameters allow you to reference some other NAT rule that already exists, using it as a means to ensure some rough placement within the ruleset as a whole.

» Best Practices

As is to be expected, if you are separating your deployment across multiple plan files, make sure that at most only one plan specifies any given absolute positioning keyword such as "top" or "directly below", otherwise they'll keep shoving each other out of the way indefinitely.

Best practices are to specify one group as top (if you need it), one group as bottom (if needed), then all other groups should be above the first rule of the bottom group. You do it this way because rules will natually be added at the tail end of the rulebase, so they will always be after the first group, but what you want is for them to be before the last group's rules.

» Example Usage

resource "panos_nat_rule_group" "bot" {
    rule {
        name = "second"
        original_packet {
            source_zones = ["${panos_zone.z2.name}"]
            destination_zone = "${panos_zone.z3.name}"
            destination_interface = "${panos_ethernet_interface.x.name}"
            source_addresses = ["any"]
            destination_addresses = ["any"]
        translated_packet {
            source {}
            destination {
                static {
                    address = ""
                    port = 5678
    rule {
        name = "third"
        original_packet {
            source_zones = ["${panos_zone.z3.name}"]
            destination_zone = "${panos_zone.z2.name}"
            destination_interface = "${panos_ethernet_interface.x.name}"
            source_addresses = ["any"]
            destination_addresses = ["any"]
        translated_packet {
            source {
                static_ip {
                    translated_address = ""
                    bi_directional = true
            destination {}

resource "panos_nat_rule_group" "top" {
    position_keyword = "directly before"
    position_reference = "${panos_nat_rule_group.bot.rule.0.name}"
    rule {
        name = "first"
        original_packet {
            source_zones = ["${panos_zone.z1.name}"]
            destination_zone = "${panos_zone.z1.name}"
            destination_interface = "${panos_ethernet_interface.x.name}"
            source_addresses = ["any"]
            destination_addresses = ["any"]
        translated_packet {
            source {
                dynamic_ip_and_port {
                    interface_address {
                        interface = "${panos_ethernet_interface.x.name}"
                        ip_address = "${panos_ethernet_interface.x.static_ips.0}"
            destination {
                static {
                    address = ""
                    port = 1234

resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "x" {
    name = "ethernet1/6"
    mode = "layer3"
    vsys = "vsys1"
    static_ips = [""]

resource "panos_zone" "z1" {
    name = "z1"
    mode = "layer3"

resource "panos_zone" "z2" {
    name = "z2"
    mode = "layer3"

resource "panos_zone" "z3" {
    name = "z3"
    mode = "layer3"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • vsys - (Optional) The vsys to put the NAT rule group into (default: vsys1).
  • position_keyword - (Optional) A positioning keyword for this group. This can be before, directly before, after, directly after, top, bottom, or left empty (the default) to have no particular placement. This param works in combination with the position_reference param.
  • position_reference - (Optional) Required if position_keyword is one of the "above" or "below" variants, this is the name of a non-group rule to use as a reference to place this group.
  • rule - (Repeatable) The rule definition (see below). The rule ordering will match how they appear in the terraform plan file.

Each rule defined supports the following arguments:

  • name - (Required) The NAT rule's name.
  • description - (Optional) The description.
  • type - (Optional). NAT type. This can be ipv4 (default), nat64, or nptv6.
  • tags - (Optional) List of administrative tags.
  • disabled - (Optional) Set to true to disable this rule.
  • original_packet - (Required) The original packet specification (see below).
  • translated_packet - (Required) The translated packet spec (see below).

original_packet supports the following arguments:

translated_packet supports the following arguments:

  • source - (Required) The source spec (see below). Leave this empty for a destination NAT of "none".
  • destination - (Required) The destination spec (see below). Leave this empty for a destination NAT of "none".

translated_packet.source supports the following arguments:

  • dynamic_ip_and_port - (Optional) Dynamic IP and port source translation spec (see below).
  • dynamic_ip - (Optional) Dynamic IP source translation spec (see below).
  • static_ip - (Optional) Static IP source translation spec (see below).

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip_and_port supports the following arguments:

  • translated_address - (Optional) Translated address source translation type spec (see below).
  • interface_address - (Optional) Interface address source translation type spec (see below).

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip_and_port.translated_address supports the following arguments:

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip_and_port.interface_address supports the following arguments:

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip supports the following arguments:

  • translated_addresses - (Optional) The list of translated addresses.
  • fallback - (Optional) The fallback spec (see below). Leaving this empty or omiting it means a fallback of "None".

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip.fallback supports the following arguments:

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip.fallback.translated_address supports the following arguments:

  • translated_addresses - (Optional) List of source address translation fallback translated addresses.

translated_packet.source.dynamic_ip.fallback.interface_address supports the following arguments:

  • interface - (Required) Source address translation fallback interface.
  • type - (Optional) Type of interface fallback. Valid values are ip (default) or floating.
  • ip_address - (Optional) IP address of the fallback interface.

translated_packet.source.static_ip supports the following arguments:

  • translated_address - (Required) The statically translated source address.
  • bi_directional - (Optional, bool) Set to true to enable bi-directional source address translation.

translated_packet.destination supports the following arguments:

  • static - (Optional) Specifies a static destination NAT (see below).
  • dynamic - (Optional, PAN-OS 8.1+) Specify a dynamic destination NAT (see below).

translated_packet.destination.static supports the following arguments:

  • address - (Required) Destination address translation address.
  • port - (Optional, int) Destination address translation port number.

translated_packet.destination.dynamic supports the following arguments:

  • address - (Required) Destination address translation address.
  • port - (Optional, int) Destination address translation port number.
  • distribution - (Optional, PAN-OS 8.1+) Distribution algorithm for destination address pool. The PAN-OS 8.1 GUI doesn't seem to set this anywhere, but this is added here for completeness' sake. The GUI sets this to round-robin currently.