» rancher_secrets
Provides a Rancher Secret resource. This can be used to create secrets for rancher environments and retrieve their information.
» Example Usage
# Create a new Rancher Secret
resource rancher_secret "foo" {
name = "foo"
environment_id = "${rancher_environment.test.id}"
value = "my great password"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the secret. -
- (Optional) A description of the secret. -
- (Required) The ID of the environment to create the secret for. -
- (Required) The secret value.
» Import
Secrets can be imported using the Secret ID in the format
$ terraform import rancher_secret.mysec 1a5/1se10
If the credentials for the Rancher provider have access to the global API,
then environment_id
can be omitted e.g.
$ terraform import rancher_secret.mysec 1se10