» rightscale_instance

Use this data source to locate and extract info about an existing instance to pass to other rightscale resources.

Filter block is optional - ommitting it will result in the first available instance in a given cloud.

» Example Usage 1: Basic configuration of a instance data source

data "rightscale_instance" "an_instance" {
  cloud_href = "${data.rightscale_cloud.ec2_us_oregon.href}"

  filter {
    name = "my_instance"

output "instance name" {
  value = "${data.rightscale_instance.an_instance.name}"

output "instance href" {
  value = "${data.rightscale_instance.an_instance.href}"

data "rightscale_cloud" "ec2_us_oregon" {
  filter {
    name = "EC2 us-west-2"
    cloud_type = "amazon"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cloud_href (Required unless server_array_href specified) - The cloud_href the instance belongs to (mutually exclusive with server_array_href, specify only one)

  • server_array_href (Required unless cloud_href specified) - The server_array_href the instance belongs to (mutually exclusive with cloud_href, specify only one)

  • filter (Optional) - The filter block supports:

    • name - The name of the instance
    • state - The state of the instance (e.g.: operational, terminated, stranded, ...)
    • os_platform - The OS platform of the instance. One of "linux" or "windows"
    • parent_href - The Href of instance server or server array parent resource.
    • server_template_href - The Href of the instance server template resource
    • public_dns_name - The public DNS name of the instance
    • private_dns_name - The private DNS name of the instance
    • public_ip - The public IP of the instance
    • private_ip - The private IP of the instance
    • resource_uid - The resource_uid of the instance. If this filter option is set, additional retry logic will be enabled to wait up to 5 minutes for cloud resources to be polled and populated for use.
    • deployment_href - The href of the deployment that contains the instance (e.g. /api/deployments/594684003)
    • placement_group_href - The href of the placement_group that contains the instance (e.g. /api/placement_groups/512SV3FUJA7OO)
    • datacenter_href - The href of the datacenter that holds the instance (e.g. /api/clouds/6/datacenters/6IHONC8ANOUHI)

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • associate_public_ip_address - Indicates if the instance will get a Public IP address

  • cloud_href - The cloud_href the instance belongs to (mutually exclusive with server_array_href)

  • server_array_href - The server_array_href the instance belongs to (mutually exclusive with cloud_href)

  • cloud_specific_attributes - Attributes specific to the cloud the instance belongs to that have no specific rightscale abstraction. This block includes:

    • admin_username - The user that will be granted administrative privileges. Supported by AzureRM cloud only.
    • automatic_instance_store_mapping - A flag indicating whether instance store mapping should be enabled. Only available on clouds supporting automatic instance store mapping.
    • availability_set - Availability set for raw instance. Supported by Azure v2 cloud only.
    • create_boot_volume - If enabled, the instance will launch into volume storage. Otherwise, it will boot to local storage. Only available on clouds supporting this option.
    • create_default_port_forwarding_rules - Automatically create default port forwarding rules (enabled by default). Supported by Azure cloud only.
    • delete_boot_volume - If enabled, the associated volume will be deleted when the instance is terminated. Only available on clouds supporting this option.
    • disk_gb - The size of root disk. Supported by UCA cloud only.
    • ebs_optimized - Whether the instance is able to connect to IOPS-enabled volumes. AWS clouds only.
    • iam_instance_profile - The name or ARN of the IAM Instance Profile (IIP) to associate with the instance. AWS clouds only.
    • keep_alive_id - The id of keep alive. Supported by UCA cloud only.
    • local_ssd_count - Additional local SSDs. Supported by GCE cloud only.
    • local_ssd_interface - The type of SSD(s) to be created. Supported by GCE cloud only.
    • max_spot_price - Specify the max spot price you will pay for. Required when 'pricing_type' is 'spot'. Only applies to clouds which support spot-pricing and when 'spot' is chosen as the 'pricing_type'. Should be a Float value >= 0.001, eg: 0.095, 0.123, 1.23, etc... AWS clouds only.
    • memory_mb - The size of instance memory. Supported by UCA cloud only.
    • metadata" - Extra data used for configuration, in query string format. AWS clouds only.
    • num_cores - The number of instance cores. Supported by UCA cloud only.
    • placement_tenancy - The tenancy of the server you want to launch. A server with a tenancy of dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC. AWS clouds only.
    • preemptible - Launch a preemptible instance. A preemptible instance costs much less, but lasts only 24 hours. It can be terminated sooner due to system demands. Supported by GCE cloud only.
    • pricing_type - Specify whether or not you want to utilize 'fixed' (on-demand) or 'spot' pricing. Defaults to 'fixed' and only applies to clouds which support spot instances. Can only be set on when creating a new Instance, Server, or ServerArray, or when updating a Server or ServerArray's next_instance. AWS clouds only.
    • root_volume_performance - The number of IOPS (I/O Operations Per Second) this root volume should support. Only available on clouds supporting performance provisioning.
    • root_volume_size - The size for root disk. Only available on clouds supporting dynamic resizing of root volume size.
    • root_volume_type_uid - The type of root volume for instance. Only available on clouds supporting root volume type.
    • service_account - Email of service account for instance. Scope will default to cloud-platform. Supported by GCE cloud only.
  • name - The name of the instance

  • pricing_type - Pricing type of the instance (e.g. fixed, spot)

  • resource_uid - The resource_uid of the instance (e.g. e0bf62bc-4e35-11e8-9f1f-0242ac110003)

  • links - Hrefs of related API resources

  • locked - Whether instance is locked, a locked instance cannot be terminated or deleted

  • private_ip_addresses - List of private IP addresses of the instance

  • public_ip_addresses - List of public IP addresses of the instance

  • state - The instance state (e.g. operational, terminated, stranded, ...)

  • created_ at - Time of creation of the instance

  • updated_at - Last update of the instance

  • id - The instance ID (e.g. rs_cm:/api/clouds/1/instances/63NFHKF8B7RP4)

  • href - Href of the instance (e.g. /api/clouds/1/instances/63NFHKF8B7RP4)