» rightscale_volume_snapshot

Use this data source to locate and extract info about an existing volume snapshot to pass to other rightscale resources.

Filter block is optional - ommitting it will result in the first available volume snapshot in a given cloud.

» Example Usage 1: Basic configuration of a volume snapshot data source

data "rightscale_volume_snapshot" "mysql_master" {
   filter {
     name = "mysql_master"
   cloud_href = "${data.rightscale_cloud.ec2_us_oregon.href}"

output "snapshot name" {
  value = "${data.rightscale_volume_snapshot.mysql_master.name}"

output "snapshot href" {
  value = "${data.rightscale_volume_snapshot.mysql_master.href}"

data "rightscale_cloud" "ec2_us_oregon" {
  filter {
    name = "EC2 us-west-2"
    cloud_type = "amazon"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cloud_href (Required) - The cloud_href the volume snapshot belongs to

  • filter (Optional) - The filter block supports:

    • name - The name of the volume snapshot
    • description - The description of the volume snapshot
    • state - The state of the volume snapshot (e.g.: available, pending, ...)
    • parent_volume_href - The Href of the parent resource
    • resource_uid - The resource_uid of the volume snapshot. If this filter option is set, additional retry logic will be enabled to wait up to 5 minutes for cloud resources to be polled and populated for use.
    • deployment_href - The href of the deployment that contains the volume snapshot (e.g. /api/deployments/594684003)

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • description - The description of the volume snapshot

  • name - The name of the volume snapshot

  • size - The size of the volume snapshot

  • state - The state of the volume snapshot (e.g.: available, pending, ...)

  • resource_uid - The resource_uid of the volume snapshot (e.g. snap-08287ed6c8bce9ab4)

  • links - Hrefs of related API resources

  • created_ at - Time of creation of the volume snapshot

  • updated_at - Last update of the volume snapshot

  • href - Href of the volume snapshot (e.g. /api/clouds/1/volume_snapshots/4VODPN6TQ60RC)