» rightscale_server_array

Use this resource to create, update or destroy RightScale server arrays.

» Example Usage : Basic configuration of a server_array resource

resource "rightscale_server_array" "frontend_servers_array" {
    array_type = "alert"

    datacenter_policy = [{
        datacenter_href = "/api/clouds/1234/datacenters/DEOLL9UREJ7TA"
        max             = 4
        weight          = 100

    elasticity_params = {
        alert_specific_params = {
        decision_threshold = 75

        bounds = {
        min_count = 1
        max_count = 4

        pacing = {
        resize_down_by = 1
        resize_up_by   = 1

    instance = {
        cloud_href           = "/api/clouds/1234"
        image_href           = "/api/clouds/1234/images/1234"
        instance_type_href   = "/api/clouds/1234/instance_types/1234"
        server_template_href = "/api/server_templates/1234"
        name                 = "Frontend"
        subnet_hrefs         = ["/api/clouds/1/subnets/52NUHI2B8LVH1"]
        inputs {
      FOO = "text:bar"
      BAZ = "cred:Bangarang"

    name            = "FrontEnd Servers Array"
    state           = "enabled"
    deployment_href = "/api/deployments/1234"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the server_array

  • description - (Optional) Description of the server_array

  • state - (Required) he status of the server array. If enabled, the server array is enabled for scaling actions. One of "enabled" or "disabled"

  • deployment_href - (Required) Href of deployment in which to create server_array

  • array_type - (Required) The type of server_array. One of "alert" or "queue"

  • optimized - (Optional) A flag indicating whether Instances of this ServerArray should be optimized for high-performance volumes (e.g. Volumes supporting a specified number of IOPS). Not supported in all Clouds.

  • datacenter_policy - (Required) This is an array of datacenter policies. Each one must contain:

    • datacenter_href - (Required) The href of the server_array's datacenter / zone.
    • max - (Required) Maximum numbers of servers that can be allocated in this datacenter (0 for unlimited).
    • weight - (Required) Instance allocation (should total 100% accross datacenter_policies).
  • elasticity_params - (Required)

    • bounds - (Required)
    • min_count - (Required) The minimum number of servers that must be operational at all times in the server array.
    • max_count - (Required) The maximum number of servers that can be operational at the same time in the server array.
    • pacing - (Required)
      • resize_down_by - (Required) The number of servers to scale down by.
      • resize_up_by - (Required) The number of servers to scale up by.
      • resize_calm_time - (Optional) The time (in minutes) on how long you want to wait before you repeat another action.
    • alert_specific_params - (Required if alert array_type specified)
    • decision_threshold - (Required) The percentage of servers that must agree in order to trigger an alert before an action is taken.
    • voters_tag_predicate - (Optional) The Voters Tag that RightScale will use in order to determine when to scale up/down.
    • queue_specific_params - (Required if queue alert_type specified)
    • collect_audit_entries - (Optional) The audit SQS queue that will store audit entries.
    • item_age - (Required)
      • algorithm - (Optional) The algorithm that defines how an item's age will be determined, either by the average age or max (oldest) age.
      • max_age - (Optional) The threshold (in seconds) before a resize action occurs on the server array.
      • regexp - (Optional) The regexp that helps the system determine an item's \"age\" in the queue. Example: created_at: (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d UTC)
      • queue_size - (Required) Defines the ratio of worker instances per items in the queue. Example: If there are 50 items in the queue and \"Items per instance\" is set to 10, the server array will resize to 5 worker instances (50/10). Default = 1
  • schedule - (Optional)

    • day - (Required) Specifies the day when an alert-based array resizes. One of "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday".
    • max_count - (Required) The maximum number of servers that must be operational at all times in the server array. NOTE: Any changes that are made to the min/max count in the server array schedule will overwrite the array's default min/max count settings.
    • min_count - (Required) The minimum number of servers that must be operational at all times in the server array. NOTE: Any changes that are made to the min/max count in the server array schedule will overwrite the array's default min/max count settings.
    • time - (Required) Specifies the time when an alert-based array resizes.
  • instance - (Required) See rightscale_instance

» Attribute Reference

  • links - Hrefs of related API resources

  • href - Href of the server_array.