» selectel_vpc_crossregion_subnet_v2

Manages a V2 Cross-region subnet resource within VPC Selectel VPC.

» Example Usage

resource "selectel_vpc_project_v2" "project_1" {
  auto_quotas = true

resource "selectel_vpc_crossregion_subnet_v2" "crossregion_subnet_1" {
  project_id = "${selectel_vpc_project_v2.project_1.id}"
  cidr = ""
  regions {
    region = "ru-1"
  regions {
    region = "ru-3"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • project_id - (Required) An associated Selectel VPC project. Changing this creates a new Cross-region subnet.

  • regions - (Required) An array of regions where the Cross-region subnet resides. Changing this creates a new Cross-region subnet. The structure is described below.

  • cidr - (Required) A cross-region subnet CIDR representation. Changing this creates a new Cross-region subnet.

The regions block supports:

  • region - (Required) A region of where the Cross-region subnet resides. Changing this creates a new Cross-region subnet.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • servers - Shows information about servers that use this Cross-region subnet. Contains id, name and status fields.

  • status - Shows if the Cross-region subnet is used or not.

  • subnets - Shows information about OpenStack Networking subnets that use this Cross-region subnet. Contains cidr, network_id, project_id, region, subnet_id, vlan_id and vtep_ip_address fields.

  • vlan_id - Shows id of the associated VLAN in the OpenStack Networking service for this Cross-region subnet.

» Import

Cross-region subnets can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ env SEL_TOKEN=SELECTEL_API_TOKEN terraform import selectel_vpc_crossregion_subnet_v2.crossregion_subnet_1 2060