» skytap_environment

Provides a Skytap Environment resource. An environment consists of one or more virtual machines, networks, and associated settings and metadata. Unlike a template, an environment can be run and have most of its settings modified. When an environment is created all of its VMs will be run.

» Example Usage

# Create a new environment
resource "skytap_environment" "environment" {
  template_id = "123456"
  name = "Terraform Example"
  description = "Skytap terraform provider example environment."

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • template_id - (Required, Force New) ID of the template you want to create an environment from. If updating with a new one then the environment will be recreated.
  • name - (Required) User-defined name of the environment. Limited to 255 characters. UTF-8 character type. Will default to source template’s name if null is provided.
  • description - (Required) User-defined description of the environment. Limited to 1000 characters. Null allowed. UTF-8 character type.
  • outbound_traffic - (Optional) Indicates whether networks in the environment can send outbound traffic.
  • routable - (Optional) Indicates whether networks within the environment can route traffic to one another.
  • suspend_on_idle - (Optional) The number of seconds an environment can be idle before it is automatically suspended. Valid range: 300 to 86400 seconds (5 minutes to 1 day).
  • suspend_at_time - (Optional) The date and time that the environment will be automatically suspended. Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss. By default, the suspend time uses the UTC offset for the time zone defined in your user account settings. Optionally, a different UTC offset can be supplied (for example: 2018/07/20 14:20:00 -0000). The value in the API response is converted to your time zone.
  • shutdown_on_idle - (Optional) The number of seconds an environment can be idle before it is automatically shut down. Valid range: 300 to 86400 seconds (5 minutes to 1 day).
  • shutdown_at_time - (Optional) The date and time that the environment will be automatically shut down. Format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss. By default, the suspend time uses the UTC offset for the time zone defined in your user account settings. Optionally, a different UTC offset can be supplied (for example: 2018/07/20 14:20:00 -0000). The value in the API response is converted to your time zone.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id: The ID of the environment.