» spotinst_elastigroup_aws_beanstalk

Provides a Spotinst AWS group resource using Elastic Beanstalk.

» Example Usage

resource "spotinst_elastigroup_aws_beanstalk" "elastigoup-aws=beanstalk" {

 name    = "example-elastigroup-beanstalk"
 region  = "us-west-2"
 product = "Linux/UNIX"

 min_size         = 0
 max_size         = 1
 desired_capacity = 0

 beanstalk_environment_name = "example-env"
 beanstalk_environment_id   = "e-example"
 instance_types_spot        = ["t2.micro", "t2.medium", "t2.large"]

deployment_preferences = {
    automatic_roll        = true
    batch_size_percentage = 100
    grace_period          = 90
    strategy = {
        action                 = "REPLACE_SERVER"
        should_drain_instances = true

managed_actions = {
    platform_update = {
        perform_at   = "timeWindow"
        time_window  = "Mon:23:50-Tue:00:20"
        update_level = "minorAndPatch"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The group name.
  • region - (Required) The AWS region your group will be created in. Cannot be changed after the group has been created.
  • description - (Optional) The group description.
  • product - (Required) Operation system type. Valid values: "Linux/UNIX", "SUSE Linux", "Windows". For EC2 Classic instances: "Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC)", "SUSE Linux (Amazon VPC)", "Windows (Amazon VPC)".

  • max_size - (Required) The maximum number of instances the group should have at any time.

  • min_size - (Required) The minimum number of instances the group should have at any time.

  • desired_capacity - (Required) The desired number of instances the group should have at any time.

  • beanstalk_environment_name - (Optional) The name of an existing Beanstalk environment.

  • beanstalk_environment_id - (Optional) The id of an existing Beanstalk environment.

  • instance_types_spot - (Required) One or more instance types. To maximize the availability of Spot instances, select as many instance types as possible.

  • deployment_preferences - (Optional) Preferences when performing a roll

  • managed_actions - (Optional) Managed Actions parameters

    • platform_update - (Optional) Platform Update parameters
      • perform_at - (Required) Actions to perform (options: timeWindow, never)
      • time_window - (Required) Time Window for when action occurs ex. Mon:23:50-Tue:00:20
      • update_level - (Required) - Level to update