» spotinst_elastigroup_gke

Provides a Spotinst Elastigroup GKE resource. Please see Importing a GKE cluster for detailed information.

» Example Usage

A spotinst_elastigroup_gke supports all of the fields defined in spotinst_elastigroup_gcp.

There are two main differences:

  • you must include cluster_zone_name and cluster_id
  • a handful of parameters are created remotely and will not appear in the diff. A complete list can be found below.
resource "spotinst_elastigroup_gke" "example-gke-elastigroup" {
 name              = "example-gke"
 // cluster_id        = "terraform-acc-test-cluster" // deprecated
 cluster_zone_name = "us-central1-a"
 node_image        = "COS"

 // --- CAPACITY ------------
 max_size         = 5
 min_size         = 1
 desired_capacity = 3
 // -------------------------

 // --- INSTANCE TYPES --------------------------------
 instance_types_ondemand    = "n1-standard-1"
 instance_types_preemptible = ["n1-standard-1", "n1-standard-2"]
 // ---------------------------------------------------

 // --- STRATEGY --------------------
 preemptible_percentage = 100
 // ---------------------------------

 integration_gke = {
  location                 = "us-central1-a"
  cluster_id               = "example-cluster-id"
  autoscale_is_enabled     = true
  autoscale_is_auto_config = false
  autoscale_cooldown       = 300

  autoscale_headroom = {
    cpu_per_unit    = 1024
    memory_per_unit = 512
    num_of_units    = 2

  autoscale_down = {
    evaluation_periods = 300

  autoscale_labels = {
    key   = "label_key"
    value = "label_value"

  backend_services = [{
    service_name  = "backend-service"
    location_type = "global"
    named_ports = {
      name  = "http"
      ports = [80, 8080]


» Argument Reference

All spotisnt_elastigroup_gcp arguments are supported. Please be sure to include the following parameters in your spotinst_elastigroup_gke template:

  • cluster_zone_name - (Required) The zone where the cluster is hosted.
  • cluster_id - (Required) The name of the GKE cluster you wish to import.
  • node_image - (Optional, Default: COS) The image that will be used for the node VMs. Possible values: COS, UBUNTU.

» Third-Party Integrations

  • integration_gke - (Required) Describes the GKE integration.

    • location - (Optional) The location of your GKE cluster.
    • cluster_id - (Optional) The GKE cluster ID you wish to import.
    • autoscale_is_enabled - (Optional, Default: false) Specifies whether the auto scaling feature is enabled.
    • autoscale_is_autoconfig - (Optional, Default: false) Enabling the automatic auto-scaler functionality. For more information please see: .
    • autoscale_cooldown - (Optional, Default: 300) The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further trigger-related scaling activities can start.
    • autoscale_headroom - (Optional) Headroom for the cluster.
    • autoscale_down - (Optional) Enabling scale down.
      • evaluation_periods - (Optional, Default: 5) Amount of cooldown evaluation periods for scale down.
    • autoscale_labels - (Optional) Labels to assign to the resource.
      • key - (Optional) The label name.
      • value - (Optional) The label value.


 integration_gke = {
  location = "us-central1-a"
  cluster_id = "terraform-acc-test-cluster"
  autoscale_is_enabled     = true
  autoscale_is_auto_config = false
  autoscale_cooldown       = 300

  autoscale_headroom = {
    cpu_per_unit    = 1024
    memory_per_unit = 512
    num_of_units    = 2

  autoscale_down = {
    evaluation_periods = 300

  autoscale_labels = {
    key  = "label_key"
    value = "label_value"

» Diff-suppressed Parameters

The following parameters are created remotely and imported. The diffs have been suppressed in order to maintain plan legibility. You may update the values of these imported parameters by defining them in your template with your desired new value (including null values).