» spotinst_mrscaler

Provides a Spotinst AWS MrScaler resource.

» Example Usage - New Strategy

# Create a Mr Scaler with New strategy

resource "spotinst_mrscaler_aws" "Terraform-MrScaler-01" {
  name        = "Terraform-MrScaler-01"
  description = "Testing MrScaler creation via Terraform"
  region      = "us-west-2"
  strategy    = "new"
  release_label = "emr-5.17.0"

  availability_zones = ["us-west-2a:subnet-123456"]

  provisioning_timeout = {
    timeout        = 15
    timeout_action = "terminate"

// --- CLUSTER ------------
  log_uri         = "s3://example-logs"
  additional_info = "{'test':'more information'}"
  job_flow_role   = "EMR_EC2_ExampleRole"
  security_config = "example-config"
  service_role    = "example-role"

  termination_protected = false
  keep_job_flow_alive   = true
// -------------------------

// --- OPTONAL COMPUTE -----
  custom_ami_id        = "ami-123456"
  repo_upgrade_on_boot = "NONE"
  ec2_key_name         = "test-key"

  managed_primary_security_group = "sg-123456"
  managed_replica_security_group = "sg-987654"
  service_access_security_group  = "access-example"

  additional_primary_security_groups = ["sg-456321"]
  additional_replica_security_groups = ["sg-123654"]

  applications = [
      name = "Ganglia"
      version = "1.0"
      name = "Hadoop"
      name = "Pig"
      args = ["fake", "args"]

  instance_weights = [
      instance_type     = "t2.small"
      weighted_capacity = 10
      instance_type     = "t2.medium"
      weighted_capacity = 90

  steps_file = {
    bucket = "example-bucket"
    key = "steps.json"

  configurations_file = {
    bucket = "example-bucket"
    key = "configurations.json"

  bootstrap_actions_file = {
    bucket = "terraform-emr-test"
    key = "bootstrap-actions.json"
// -------------------------

// --- MASTER GROUP -------------
  master_instance_types = ["c3.xlarge"]
  master_lifecycle      = "SPOT"
  master_ebs_optimized  = true

  master_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 1
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 30
// ------------------------------

// --- CORE GROUP -------------
  core_instance_types = ["c3.xlarge", "c4.xlarge"]
  core_min_size         = 1
  core_max_size         = 1
  core_desired_capacity = 1
  core_lifecycle        = "ON_DEMAND"
  core_ebs_optimized    = false

  core_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 2
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 40
// ----------------------------

// --- TASK GROUP -------------
  task_instance_types = ["c3.xlarge", "c4.xlarge"]
  task_min_size         = 0
  task_max_size         = 30
  task_desired_capacity = 1
  task_lifecycle        = "SPOT"
  task_ebs_optimized    = false

  task_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 2
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 40
// ----------------------------

// --- TAGS -------------------
  tags = [{
      key   = "Creator"
      value = "Terraform"
// ----------------------------

» Example Usage - Clone Strategy

# Create a Mr Scaler with Clone strategy and Task scaling

output "mrscaler-name" {
  value = "${spotinst_mrscaler_aws.Terraform-MrScaler-01.name}"

output "mrscaler-created-cluster-id" {
  value = "${spotinst_mrscaler_aws.Terraform-MrScaler-01.output_cluster_id}"

resource "spotinst_mrscaler_aws" "Terraform-MrScaler-01" {
  name        = "Terraform-MrScaler-01"
  description = "Testing MrScaler creation via Terraform"
  region      = "us-west-2"
  strategy    = "clone"

  cluster_id        = "j-123456789"
  expose_cluster_id = true

  availability_zones = ["us-west-2a:subnet-12345678"]

// --- MASTER GROUP -------------
  master_instance_types = ["c3.xlarge"]
  master_lifecycle      = "SPOT"
  master_ebs_optimized  = true

  master_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 1
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 30
// ------------------------------

// --- CORE GROUP -------------
  core_instance_types   = ["c3.xlarge", "c4.xlarge"]
  core_min_size         = 1
  core_max_size         = 1
  core_desired_capacity = 1
  core_lifecycle        = "ON_DEMAND"
  core_ebs_optimized    = false

  core_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 2
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 40
// ----------------------------

// --- TASK GROUP -------------
  task_instance_types   = ["c3.xlarge", "c4.xlarge"]
  task_min_size         = 0
  task_max_size         = 30
  task_desired_capacity = 1
  task_lifecycle        = "SPOT"
  task_ebs_optimized    = false

  task_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 2
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 40
// ----------------------------

// --- TAGS -------------------
  tags = [{
      key   = "Creator"
      value = "Terraform"
// ----------------------------

  task_scaling_down_policy = [{
    policy_name = "policy-name"
    metric_name = "CPUUtilization"
    namespace   = "AWS/EC2"
    statistic   = "average"
    unit        = ""
    threshold   = 10
    adjustment  = "1"
    cooldown    = 60
    dimensions = {
      name  = "name-1"
      value = "value-1"

    operator           = "gt"
    evaluation_periods = 10
    period             = 60

    action_type = ""
    minimum     = 0
    maximum     = 10
    target      = 5
    max_target_capacity = 1
// ----------------------------

» Example Usage - Wrap Strategy

# Create a Mr Scaler with Wrap strategy

resource "spotinst_mrscaler" "example-scaler-2" {
  name        = "spotinst-mr-scaler-2"
  description = "created by Terraform"
  region      = "us-west-2"
  strategy    = "wrap"
  cluster_id  = "j-27UVDEHXL4OQM"

// --- TASK GROUP -------------
  task_instance_types = ["c3.xlarge","c4.xlarge"]

  task_target    = 2
  task_minimum   = 0
  task_maximum   = 4
  task_lifecycle = "SPOT"

  task_ebs_block_device = {
    volumes_per_instance = 1
    volume_type          = "gp2"
    size_in_gb           = 20
// ----------------------------

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The MrScaler name.
  • description - (Optional) The MrScaler description.
  • region - (Required) The MrScaler region.
  • strategy - (Required) The MrScaler strategy. Allowed values are new clone and wrap.
  • cluster_id - (Optional) The MrScaler cluster id.
  • expose_cluster_id - (Optional) Allow the cluster_id to set a Terraform output variable.

» Provisioning Timeout (Clone, New strategies)

  • timeout - (Optional) The amount of time (minutes) after which the cluster is automatically terminated if it's still in provisioning status. Minimum: '15'.
  • timeout_action - (Optional) The action to take if the timeout is exceeded. Valid values: terminate, terminateAndRetry.

» Cluster Configuration (New strategy only)

  • log_uri - (Optional) The path to the Amazon S3 location where logs for this cluster are stored.
  • additional_info - (Optional) This is meta information about third-party applications that third-party vendors use for testing purposes.
  • security_config - (Optional) The name of the security configuration applied to the cluster.
  • service_role - (Optional) The IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon EMR service to access AWS resources on your behalf.
  • job_flow_role - (Optional) The IAM role that was specified when the job flow was launched. The EC2 instances of the job flow assume this role.
  • termination_protected - (Optional) Specifies whether the Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster are protected from termination by API calls, user intervention, or in the event of a job-flow error.
  • keep_job_flow_alive - (Optional) Specifies whether the cluster should remain available after completing all steps.

» Task Group (Wrap, Clone, and New strategies)

  • task_instance_types - (Required) The MrScaler instance types for the task nodes.
  • task_target - (Required) amount of instances in task group.
  • task_maximum - (Optional) maximal amount of instances in task group.
  • task_minimum - (Optional) The minimal amount of instances in task group.
  • task_lifecycle - (Required) The MrScaler lifecycle for instances in task group. Allowed values are 'SPOT' and 'ON_DEMAND'.
  • task_ebs_optimized - (Optional) EBS Optimization setting for instances in group.
  • task_ebs_block_device - (Required) This determines the ebs configuration for your task group instances. Only a single block is allowed.
    • volumes_per_instance - (Optional; Default 1) Amount of volumes per instance in the task group.
    • volume_type - (Required) volume type. Allowed values are 'gp2', 'io1' and others.
    • size_in_gb - (Required) Size of the volume, in GBs.
    • iops - (Optional) IOPS for the volume. Required in some volume types, such as io1.

» Core Group (Clone, New strategies)

  • core_instance_types - (Required) The MrScaler instance types for the core nodes.
  • core_target - (Required) amount of instances in core group.
  • core_maximum - (Optional) maximal amount of instances in core group.
  • core_minimum - (Optional) The minimal amount of instances in core group.
  • core_lifecycle - (Required) The MrScaler lifecycle for instances in core group. Allowed values are 'SPOT' and 'ON_DEMAND'.
  • core_ebs_optimized - (Optional) EBS Optimization setting for instances in group.
  • core_ebs_block_device - (Required) This determines the ebs configuration for your core group instances. Only a single block is allowed.
    • volumes_per_instance - (Optional; Default 1) Amount of volumes per instance in the core group.
    • volume_type - (Required) volume type. Allowed values are 'gp2', 'io1' and others.
    • size_in_gb - (Required) Size of the volume, in GBs.
    • iops - (Optional) IOPS for the volume. Required in some volume types, such as io1.

» Master Group (Clone, New strategies)

  • master_instance_types - (Required) The MrScaler instance types for the master nodes.
  • master_lifecycle - (Required) The MrScaler lifecycle for instances in master group. Allowed values are 'SPOT' and 'ON_DEMAND'.
  • master_ebs_optimized - (Optional) EBS Optimization setting for instances in group.
  • master_ebs_block_device - (Required) This determines the ebs configuration for your master group instances. Only a single block is allowed.
    • volumes_per_instance - (Optional; Default 1) Amount of volumes per instance in the master group.
    • volume_type - (Required) volume type. Allowed values are 'gp2', 'io1' and others.
    • size_in_gb - (Required) Size of the volume, in GBs.
    • iops - (Optional) IOPS for the volume. Required in some volume types, such as io1.

» Tags (Clone, New strategies)

  • tags - (Optional) A list of tags to assign to the resource. You may define multiple tags.
    • key - (Required) Tag key.
    • value - (Required) Tag value.

» Optional Compute Parameters (New strategy)

  • managed_primary_security_group - (Optional) EMR Managed Security group that will be set to the primary instance group.
  • managed_replica_security_group - (Optional) EMR Managed Security group that will be set to the replica instance group.
  • service_access_security_group - (Optional) The identifier of the Amazon EC2 security group for the Amazon EMR service to access clusters in VPC private subnets.
  • additional_primary_security_groups - (Optional) A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the master node.
  • additional_replica_security_groups - (Optional) A list of additional Amazon EC2 security group IDs for the core and task nodes.
  • custom_ami_id - (Optional) The ID of a custom Amazon EBS-backed Linux AMI if the cluster uses a custom AMI.
  • repo_upgrade_on_boot - (Optional) Applies only when custom_ami_id is used. Specifies the type of updates that are applied from the Amazon Linux AMI package repositories when an instance boots using the AMI. Possible values include: SECURITY, NONE.
  • ec2_key_name - (Optional) The name of an Amazon EC2 key pair that can be used to ssh to the master node.
  • applications - (Optional) A case-insensitive list of applications for Amazon EMR to install and configure when launching the cluster
    • args - (Optional) Arguments for EMR to pass to the application.
    • name - (Required) The application name.
    • version- (Optional)T he version of the application.
  • instance_weights - (Optional) Describes the instance and weights. Check out Elastigroup Weighted Instances for more info.

» Availability Zones (Clone, New strategies)

  • availability_zones - (Required in Clone) List of AZs and their subnet Ids. See example above for usage.

» Configurations (Clone, New strategies)

» Steps (Clone, New strategies)

  • steps_file - (Optional) Steps from S3.
    • bucket - (Required) S3 Bucket name for steps.
    • key- (Required) S3 key for steps.

» Bootstrap Actions (Clone, New strategies)

» Scaling Policies

Possible task group scaling policies (Wrap, Clone, and New strategies): * task_scaling_up_policy * task_scaling_down_policy

Possible core group scaling policies (Clone, New strategies): * core_scaling_up_policy * core_scaling_down_policy

Each *_scaling_*_policy supports the following:

  • policy_name - (Required) The name of the policy.
  • metric_name - (Required) The name of the metric, with or without spaces.
  • statistic - (Required) The metric statistics to return. For information about specific statistics go to Statistics in the Amazon CloudWatch Developer Guide.
  • unit - (Required) The unit for the metric.
  • threshold - (Required) The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
  • adjustment - (Optional) The number of instances to add/remove to/from the target capacity when scale is needed.
  • min_target_capacity - (Optional) Min target capacity for scale up.
  • max_target_capacity - (Optional) Max target capacity for scale down.
  • namespace - (Required) The namespace for the metric.
  • operator - (Required) The operator to use. Allowed values are : 'gt', 'gte', 'lt' , 'lte'.
  • evaluation_periods - (Required) The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
  • period - (Required) The granularity, in seconds, of the returned datapoints. Period must be at least 60 seconds and must be a multiple of 60.
  • cooldown - (Required) The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes and before the next scaling activity can start.
  • dimensions - (Optional) A mapping of dimensions describing qualities of the metric.
  • minimum - (Optional) The minimum to set when scale is needed.
  • maximum - (Optional) The maximum to set when scale is needed.
  • target - (Optional) The number of instances to set when scale is needed.
  • action_type - (Required) The type of action to perform. Allowed values are : 'adjustment', 'setMinTarget', 'setMaxTarget', 'updateCapacity', 'percentageAdjustment'

» Scheduled Tasks

  • scheduled_task - (Optional) An array of scheduled tasks.
  • is_enabled - (Optional) Enable/Disable the specified scheduling task.
  • task_type - (Required) The type of task to be scheduled. Valid values: setCapacity.
  • instance_group_type - (Required) Select the EMR instance groups to execute the scheduled task on. Valid values: task.
  • cron - (Required) A cron expression representing the schedule for the task.
  • desired_capacity - (Optional) New desired capacity for the elastigroup.
  • min_capacity - (Optional) New min capacity for the elastigroup.
  • max_capacity - (Optional) New max capacity for the elastigroup.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The scaler ID.