» spotinst_ocean_gke

Provides a Spotinst Ocean GKE resource.

» Example Usage

resource "spotinst_ocean_gke" "example" {
  name               = "example-ocean-cluster-name"
  controller_id      = "example-cluster-id"
  cluster_name       = "example-cluster-name"
  master_location    = "us-central1-a"
  subnet_name        = "example-subnet-1"
  availability_zones = ["us-central1-a"]
  whitelist          = ["n1-standard-1", "n1-standard-2"]

  max_size         = 1000
  min_size         = 0
  desired_capacity = 500

  // --- LAUNCH CONFIGURATION --------------
  source_image           = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/examples/example-image-1"
  service_account        = "example-account@my-account.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
  root_volume_size_in_gb = 100
  ip_forwarding          = true

  labels = [{
    key   = "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
    value = "example-cluster-name__default-pool"

  metadata = [{
    key   = "cluster-name"
    value = "example-cluster"

  tags = ["gke-example-vpc-1234567-node"]

  backend_services = [{
    service_name  = "example-backend-service"
    location_type = "global"

    named_ports = {
      name  = "http"
      ports = [80, 8080]
  // ---------------------------------------

  // --- NETWORK INTERFACE ------------------
   network_interface = [{
     network = "example-vpc-network"

    access_configs = {
      name = "config1"
      type = "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"

    alias_ip_ranges = {
      subnetwork_range_name = "range-1"
      ip_cidr_range         = ""
  // ----------------------------------------

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The cluster name.
  • controller_id - (Required) The ocean cluster identifier. Example: ocean.k8s
  • cluster_name - (Required) The GKE cluster name.
  • master_location - (Required) The zone the master cluster is located in.
  • subnet_name - (Required) Subnet identifier for the Ocean cluster.
  • availability_zones - (Required) List of availability zones available to the cluster.
  • whitelist - (Optional) Instance types allowed in the Ocean cluster.
  • max_size - (Optional, Default: 1000) The upper limit of instances the cluster can scale up to.
  • min_size - (Optional) The lower limit of instances the cluster can scale down to.
  • desired_capacity - (Optional) The number of instances to launch and maintain in the cluster.


  name               = "example-ocean-cluster-name"
  controller_id      = "example-cluster-id"
  cluster_name       = "example-cluster-name"
  master_location    = "us-central1-a"
  subnet_name        = "example-subnet-1"
  availability_zones = ["us-central1-a"]
  whitelist          = ["n1-standard-1", "n1-standard-2"]

  max_size         = 1000
  min_size         = 0
  desired_capacity = 500

» Launch Configuration

Note: label, metadata, and tag keys are required, and depend on your GKE cluster. Please modify the values to match your configuration. You may also add additional key/value pairs. This resource is intended to be used as part of a Module.

  • source_image - (Optional) A source image used to create the disk. You can provide a private (custom) image, and Compute Engine will use the corresponding image from your project.
  • service_account - (Optional) The email of the service account in which the group instances will be launched.
  • root_volume_size_in_gb - (Optional) The size (in Gb) to allocate for the root volume. Minimum 100.
  • ip_forwarding - (Optional) Enables the transfer IP packets from one network to another.
  • labels - (Optional) Array of objects with key-value pairs.
    • key - (Optional) Labels key.
    • value - (Optional) Labels value.
  • metadata - (Optional) Array of objects with key-value pairs.
    • key - (Optional) Metadata key.
    • value - (Optional) Metadata value.
  • tags - (Optional) Tags to mark created instances. Minimum 1.


  source_image           = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/examples/example-image-1"
  service_account        = "example-account@my-account.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
  root_volume_size_in_gb = 100
  ip_forwarding          = true

  labels = [{
    key   = "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
    value = "example-cluster-name__default-pool"

  metadata = [{
    key   = "cluster-name"
    value = "example-cluster"

  tags = ["gke-example-vpc-1234567-node"]

» Backend Services

  • backend_services - (Optional) Describes the backend service configurations.
    • service_name - (Required) The name of the backend service.
    • location_type - (Optional) Sets which location the backend services will be active. Valid values: regional, global.
    • scheme - (Optional) Use when location_type is "regional". Set the traffic for the backend service to either between the instances in the vpc or to traffic from the internet. Valid values: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL.
    • named_port - (Optional) Describes a named port and a list of ports.
      • port_name - (Required) The name of the port.
      • ports - (Required) A list of ports.


  backend_services = [{
    service_name  = "example-backend-service"
    location_type = "global"
    scheme        = "INTERNAL"
    named_ports = {
      name  = "http"
      ports = [80, 8080]

» Autoscaler

  • autoscaler - (Optional) Describes the Ocean Kubernetes autoscaler.
    • autoscale_is_enabled - (Optional, Default: true) Enable the Ocean Kubernetes autoscaler.
    • autoscale_is_auto_config - (Optional, Default: true) Automatically configure and optimize headroom resources.
    • autoscale_cooldown - (Optional, Default: null) Cooldown period between scaling actions.
    • autoscale_headroom - (Optional) Spare resource capacity management enabling fast assignment of Pods without waiting for new resources to launch.
      • cpu_per_unit - (Optional) Optionally configure the number of CPUs to allocate the headroom. CPUs are denoted in millicores, where 1000 millicores = 1 vCPU.
      • gpu_per_unit - (Optional) Optionally configure the number of GPUS to allocate the headroom.
      • memory_per_unit - (Optional) Optionally configure the amount of memory (MB) to allocate the headroom.
      • num_of_units - (Optional) The number of units to retain as headroom, where each unit has the defined headroom CPU and memory.
    • autoscale_down - (Optional) Auto Scaling scale down operations.
      • evaluation_periods - (Optional, Default: null) The number of evaluation periods that should accumulate before a scale down action takes place.
    • resource_limits - (Optional) Optionally set upper and lower bounds on the resource usage of the cluster.
      • max_vcpu - (Optional) The maximum cpu in vCPU units that can be allocated to the cluster.
      • max_memory_gib - (Optional) The maximum memory in GiB units that can be allocated to the cluster.


  autoscaler = {
    autoscale_is_enabled     = false
    autoscale_is_auto_config = false
    autoscale_cooldown       = 300

    autoscale_headroom = {
      cpu_per_unit    = 1024
      gpu_per_unit    = 1
      memory_per_unit = 512
      num_of_units    = 2

    autoscale_down = {
      evaluation_periods = 300

    resource_limits = {
      max_vcpu       = 1024
      max_memory_gib = 20