» telefonicaopencloud_as_group_v1

Manages a V1 Autoscaling Group resource within TelefonicaOpenCloud.

» Example Usage

» Basic Autoscaling Group

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_group_v1" "my_as_group" {
  scaling_group_name = "my_as_group"
  scaling_configuration_id = "37e310f5-db9d-446e-9135-c625f9c2bbfc"
  desire_instance_number = 2
  min_instance_number = 0
  max_instance_number = 10
  networks = [{id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"}]
  security_groups = [{id = "45e4c6de-6bf0-4843-8953-2babde3d4810"}]
  vpc_id = "1d8f7e7c-fe04-4cf5-85ac-08b478c290e9"
  delete_publicip = true
  delete_instances = "yes"

» Autoscaling Group Only Remove Members When Scaling Down

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_group_v1" "my_as_group_only_remove_members" {
  scaling_group_name = "my_as_group_only_remove_members"
  scaling_configuration_id = "37e310f5-db9d-446e-9135-c625f9c2bbfc"
  desire_instance_number = 2
  min_instance_number = 0
  max_instance_number = 10
  networks = [{id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"}]
  security_groups = [{id = "45e4c6de-6bf0-4843-8953-2babde3d4810"}]
  vpc_id = "1d8f7e7c-fe04-4cf5-85ac-08b478c290e9"
  delete_publicip = true
  delete_instances = "no"

» Autoscaling Group With ELB Listener

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_group_v1" "my_as_group_with_elb" {
  scaling_group_name = "my_as_group_with_elb"
  scaling_configuration_id = "37e310f5-db9d-446e-9135-c625f9c2bbfc"
  desire_instance_number = 2
  min_instance_number = 0
  max_instance_number = 10
  networks = [{id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"}]
  security_groups = [{id = "45e4c6de-6bf0-4843-8953-2babde3d4810"}]
  vpc_id = "1d8f7e7c-fe04-4cf5-85ac-08b478c290e9"
  lb_listener_id = "${telefonicaopencloud_elb_listener.my_listener.id}"
  delete_publicip = true
  delete_instances = "yes"

resource "telefonicaopencloud_elb_listener" "my_listener" {
  name = "my_listener"
  description = "my test listener"
  protocol = "TCP"
  backend_protocol = "TCP"
  port = 12345
  backend_port = 21345
  lb_algorithm = "roundrobin"
  loadbalancer_id = "cba48790-baf5-4446-adb3-02069a916e97"
  timeouts {
        create = "5m"
        update = "5m"
        delete = "5m"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to create the AS group. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new AS group.

  • scaling_group_name - (Required) The name of the scaling group. The name can contain letters, digits, underscores(_), and hyphens(-),and cannot exceed 64 characters.

  • scaling_configuration_id - (Optional) The configuration ID which defines configurations of instances in the AS group.

  • desire_instance_number - (Optional) The expected number of instances. The default value is the minimum number of instances. The value ranges from the minimum number of instances to the maximum number of instances.

  • min_instance_number - (Optional) The minimum number of instances. The default value is 0.

  • max_instance_number - (Optional) The maximum number of instances. The default value is 0.

  • cool_down_time - (Optional) The cooling duration (in seconds). The value ranges from 0 to 86400, and is 900 by default.

  • lb_listener_id - (Optional) The ELB listener IDs. The system supports up to three ELB listeners, the IDs of which are separated using a comma (,).

  • available_zones - (Optional) The availability zones in which to create the instances in the autoscaling group.

  • networks - (Required) An array of one or more network IDs. The system supports up to five networks. The networks object structure is documented below.

  • security_groups - (Required) An array of one or more security group IDs to associate with the group. The security_groups object structure is documented below.

  • vpc_id - (Required) The VPC ID. Changing this creates a new group.

  • health_periodic_audit_method - (Optional) The health check method for instances in the AS group. The health check methods include ELB_AUDIT and NOVA_AUDIT. If load balancing is configured, the default value of this parameter is ELB_AUDIT. Otherwise, the default value is NOVA_AUDIT.

  • health_periodic_audit_time - (Optional) The health check period for instances. The period has four options: 5 minutes (default), 15 minutes, 60 minutes, and 180 minutes.

  • instance_terminate_policy - (Optional) The instance removal policy. The policy has four options: OLD_CONFIG_OLD_INSTANCE (default), OLD_CONFIG_NEW_INSTANCE, OLD_INSTANCE, and NEW_INSTANCE.

  • notifications - (Optional) The notification mode. The system only supports EMAIL mode which refers to notification by email.

  • delete_publicip - (Optional) Whether to delete the elastic IP address bound to the instances of AS group when deleting the instances. The options are true and false.

  • delete_instances - (Optional) Whether to delete the instances in the AS group when deleting the AS group. The options are yes and no.

The networks block supports:

  • id - (Required) The network UUID.

The security_groups block supports:

  • id - (Required) The UUID of the security group.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported: