» telefonicaopencloud_as_policy_v1

Manages a V1 AS Policy resource within TelefonicaOpenCloud.

» Example Usage

» AS Recurrence Policy

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_policy_v1" "hth_aspolicy"{
  scaling_policy_name = "hth_aspolicy"
  scaling_group_id = "4579f2f5-cbe8-425a-8f32-53dcb9d9053a"
  cool_down_time = 900
  scaling_policy_type = "RECURRENCE"
  scaling_policy_action = {
    operation = "ADD"
    instance_number = 1
  scheduled_policy = {
    launch_time = "07:00"
    recurrence_type = "Daily"
    start_time = "2017-11-30T12:00Z"
    end_time = "2017-12-30T12:00Z"

» AS Scheduled Policy

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_policy_v1" "hth_aspolicy_1"{
  scaling_policy_name = "hth_aspolicy_1"
  scaling_group_id = "4579f2f5-cbe8-425a-8f32-53dcb9d9053a"
  cool_down_time = 900
  scaling_policy_type = "SCHEDULED"
  scaling_policy_action = {
    operation = "REMOVE"
    instance_number = 1
  scheduled_policy = {
    launch_time = "2017-12-22T12:00Z"

Please note that the launch_time of the SCHEDULED policy cannot be earlier than the current time.

» AS Alarm Policy

resource "telefonicaopencloud_as_policy_v1" "hth_aspolicy_2"{
  scaling_policy_name = "hth_aspolicy_2"
  scaling_group_id = "4579f2f5-cbe8-425a-8f32-53dcb9d9053a"
  cool_down_time = 900
  scaling_policy_type = "ALARM"
  alarm_id = "37e310f5-db9d-446e-9135-c625f9c2bbfc"
  scaling_policy_action = {
    operation = "ADD"
    instance_number = 1

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to create the AS policy. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new AS policy.

  • scaling_policy_name - (Required) The name of the AS policy. The name can contain letters, digits, underscores(_), and hyphens(-),and cannot exceed 64 characters.

  • scaling_group_id - (Required) The AS group ID. Changing this creates a new AS policy.

  • scaling_policy_type - (Required) The AS policy type. The values can be ALARM, SCHEDULED, and RECURRENCE.

  • alarm_id - (Optional) The alarm rule ID. This argument is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to ALARM.

  • scheduled_policy - (Optional) The periodic or scheduled AS policy. This argument is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to SCHEDULED or RECURRENCE. The scheduled_policy structure is documented below.

  • scaling_policy_action - (Optional) The action of the AS policy. The scaling_policy_action structure is documented below.

  • cool_down_time - (Optional) The cooling duration (in seconds), and is 900 by default.

The scheduled_policy block supports:

  • launch_time - (Required) The time when the scaling action is triggered. If scaling_policy_type is set to SCHEDULED, the time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ. If scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE, the time format is hh:mm.

  • recurrence_type - (Optional) The periodic triggering type. This argument is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE. The options include Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

  • recurrence_value - (Optional) The frequency at which scaling actions are triggered.

  • start_time - (Optional) The start time of the scaling action triggered periodically. The time format complies with UTC. The current time is used by default. The time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ.

  • end_time - (Optional) The end time of the scaling action triggered periodically. The time format complies with UTC. This argument is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE. The time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ.

The scaling_policy_action block supports:

  • operation - (Optional) The operation to be performed. The options include ADD (default), REMOVE, and SET.

  • instance_number - (Optional) The number of instances to be operated. The default number is 1.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported: