» template_dir

Renders a directory containing templates into a separate directory of corresponding rendered files.

template_dir is similar to template_file but it walks a given source directory and treats every file it encounters as a template, rendering it to a corresponding file in the destination directory.

» Example Usage

The following example shows how one might use this resource to produce a directory of configuration files to upload to a compute instance, using Amazon EC2 as a placeholder.

resource "template_dir" "config" {
  source_dir      = "${path.module}/instance_config_templates"
  destination_dir = "${path.cwd}/instance_config"

  vars = {
    consul_addr = "${var.consul_addr}"

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  ami           = "${var.server_ami}"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  connection {
    # ...connection configuration...

  provisioner "file" {
    # Referencing the template_dir resource ensures that it will be
    # created or updated before this aws_instance resource is provisioned.
    source      = "${template_dir.config.destination_dir}"
    destination = "/etc/myapp"

variable "consul_addr" {}

variable "server_ami" {}

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • source_dir - (Required) Path to the directory where the files to template reside.

  • destination_dir - (Required) Path to the directory where the templated files will be written.

  • vars - (Optional) Variables for interpolation within the template. Note that variables must all be primitives. Direct references to lists or maps will cause a validation error.

Any required parent directories of destination_dir will be created automatically, and any pre-existing file or directory at that location will be deleted before template rendering begins.

After rendering, this resource remembers the content of both the source and destination directories in the Terraform state, and will plan to recreate the output directory if any changes are detected during the plan phase.

Note that it is not safe to use the file interpolation function to read files created by this resource, since that function can be evaluated before the destination directory has been created or updated. It is safe to use the generated files with resources that directly take filenames as arguments, as long as the path is constructed using the destination_dir attribute to create a dependency relationship with the template_dir resource.

» Template Syntax

The template argument is processed as Terraform template syntax.

However, this provider has its own copy of the template engine embedded in it, separate from Terraform itself, and so which features are available are decided based on what Terraform version the provider was compiled against, and not on which Terraform version you are running.

To include values from your configuration in rendered templates, pass them via the vars argument as shown below:

resource "template_dir" "init" {
  # ...

  vars = {
    foo  = "${var.foo}"
    attr = "${aws_instance.foo.private_ip}"

» Attributes

This resource exports the following attributes:

  • destination_dir - The destination directory given in configuration. Interpolate this attribute into other resource configurations to create a dependency to ensure that the destination directory is populated before another resource attempts to read it.