» tencentcloud_availability_zones

Use this data source to get the available zones in the current region. By default only AVAILABLE zones will be returned, but UNAVAILABLE zones can also be fetched when include_unavailable is specified.

» Example Usage

data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "my_favarate_zone" {
   name = "ap-guangzhou-3"

» Argument Reference

  • include_unavailable - (Optional) A bool variable Indicates that the query will include UNAVAILABLE zones.
  • name - (Optional) When specified, only the zone with the exactly name match will return.

» Attributes Reference

A list of zones will be exported and its every element contains the following attributes:

  • id - An internal id for the zone, like 200003, usually not so useful for end user.
  • name - The english name for the zone, like ap-guangzhou-3.
  • description - The description for the zone, unfortunately only Chinese characters at this stage.
  • state - The state for the zone, indicate availability using AVAILABLE and UNAVAILABLE values.