» tfe_oauth_client

An OAuth Client represents the connection between an organization and a VCS provider.

» Example Usage

Basic usage:

resource "tfe_oauth_client" "test" {
  organization     = "my-org-name"
  api_url          = "https://api.github.com"
  http_url         = "https://github.com"
  oauth_token      = "my-vcs-provider-token"
  service_provider = "github"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • organization - (Required) Name of the organization.
  • api_url - (Required) The base URL of your VCS provider's API (e.g. https://api.github.com or https://ghe.example.com/api/v3).
  • http_url - (Required) The homepage of your VCS provider (e.g. https://github.com or https://ghe.example.com).
  • oauth_token - (Required) The token string you were given by your VCS provider.
  • service_provider - (Required) The VCS provider being connected with. Valid options are github, github_enterprise, bitbucket_hosted, gitlab_hosted, gitlab_community_edition, or gitlab_enterprise_edition.

» Attributes Reference

  • id - The ID of the OAuth client.
  • oauth_token_id - The ID of the OAuth token associated with the OAuth client.