» triton_datacenter
The triton_datacenter
data source queries Triton for Data Center information.
NOTE: This data source uses the endpoint URL of the Data Center currently configured in the Trition provider.
» Example Usages
Find current Data Center endpoint URL:
# Declare the data source.
data "triton_datacenter" "current" {}
# Access current endpoint URL using output from the data source.
output "endpoint" {
value = "${data.triton_datacenter.current.endpoint}"
» Argument Reference
There are no arguments available for this data source.
» Attribute Reference
NOTE: When using the Triton Public Cloud,
the endpoint
attribute might include an old, but still fully supported, domain
name "joyentcloud.com" (e.g. https://us-east-1.api.joyentcloud.com), even when
the new domain name "joyent.com" has been used to configure the cloud endpoint
URL in the Trition provider.
The following attributes are supported: