» triton_fabric_vlan

The triton_fabric_vlan data source queries Triton for Fabric VLAN information (e.g., VLAN ID, etc.) based either on the name, VLAN ID or description of the Fabric VLAN.

» Example Usages

Find the VLAN ID using the name of the Fabric VLAN as a search filter:

# Declare the data source.
data "triton_fabric_vlan" "public" {
  name = "Public-VLAN-Production"

# Access unique VLAN ID using output from the data source.
output "public_vlan_id" {
  value = "${data.triton_fabric_vlan.public.vlan_id}"

Find the VLAN ID using name (with a wildcard match) and description of the Fabric VLAN as a search filters:

# Declare the data source, and use a combination of two arguments
# to form a search filter. Use a wildcard match for the name.
data "triton_fabric_vlan" "private_database_vlan" {
  name        = "Private-VLAN-*"
  description = "A secure VLAN for production database servers"

# Access unique VLAN ID using output from the data source.
output "private_database_vlan_id" {
  value = "${data.triton_fabric_vlan.private_database_vlan.vlan_id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (string) Optional. The name of the Fabric VLAN.

  • vlan_id - (integer) Optional. The unique identifier (VLAN ID) of the Fabric VLAN.

  • description - (string) Optional. The description of the Fabric VLAN.

» Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - (string) The name of the Fabric VLAN, if any.

  • vlan_id - (integer) The unique identifier (VLAN ID) of the Fabric VLAN.

  • description - (string) The description of the Fabric VLAN, if any.