» ucloud_instances

This data source providers a list of UHost instance resources according to their availability zone, instance ID and tag.

» Example Usage

data "ucloud_instances" "example" {
    availability_zone = "cn-bj2-02"

output "first" {
    value = "${data.ucloud_instances.example.instances.0.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • availability_zone - (Optional) Availability zone where instances are located. Such as: "cn-bj2-02". You may refer to list of availability zone
  • ids - (Optional) A list of instance IDs, all the instances belongs to the defined region will be retrieved if this argument is "".
  • name_regex - (Optional) A regex string to filter resulting instances by name.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • tag - (Optional) A tag assigned to instance, which contains at most 63 characters and only support Chinese, English, numbers, '-', '_', and '.'. If it is not filled in or a empty string is filled in, then default tag will be assigned. (Default: Default).

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • instances - It is a nested type. instances documented below.
  • total_count - Total number of instances that satisfy the condition.

The attribute (instances) support the following:

  • availability_zone - Availability zone where instances are located.
  • id - The ID of instance.
  • name - The name of the instance.
  • cpu - The number of cores of virtual CPU, measureed in core.
  • memory - The size of memory, measured in MB (Megabyte).
  • instance_type - The type of instance.
  • charge_type - The charge type of instance, possible values are: year, month and dynamic as pay by hour.
  • auto_renew - Whether to renew an instance automatically or not.
  • remark - The remarks of instance.
  • tag - A tag assigned to the instance.
  • status - Instance current status. Possible values are Initializing, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Install Fail and Rebooting.
  • create_time - The time of creation for instance, formatted in RFC3339 time string.
  • expire_time - The expiration time for instance, formatted in RFC3339 time string.
  • ip_set - It is a nested type which documented below.
  • disk_set - It is a nested type which documented below.

The attribute (disk_set) supports the following:

  • id - The ID of disk.
  • size - The size of disk, measured in GB (Gigabyte).
  • type - The type of disk.
  • is_boot - Specifies whether boot disk or not.

The attribute (ip_set) supports the following:

  • internet_type - Type of Elastic IP routes. Possible values are: International as internaltional BGP IP, BGP as china BGP IP and Private as private IP.
  • ip - Elastic IP address.