» ucloud_lb_attachments

This data source provides a list of Load Balancer Attachment resources according to their Load Balancer Attachment ID.

» Example Usage

data "ucloud_lb_attachments" "example" {
    load_balancer_id = "ulb-xxx"
    listener_id = "vserver-xxx"

output "first" {
    value = "${data.ucloud_lb_attachments.example.lb_attachments.0.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • load_balancer_id - (Required) The ID of a load balancer.
  • listener_id - (Required) The ID of a listener server.
  • ids - (Optional) A list of LB Attachment IDs, all the LB Attachments belong to the Load Balancer listener will be retrieved if the ID is "".
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • lb_attachments - It is a nested type which documented below.
  • total_count - Total number of LB Attachments that satisfy the condition.

The attribute (lb_attachments) support the following:

  • id - The ID of LB Attachment.
  • resource_id - The ID of a backend server.
  • port - Port opened on the backend server to receive requests, range: 1-65535.
  • private_ip - The private ip address for backend servers.
  • status - The status of backend servers. Possible values are: normalRunning, exceptionRunning.