» ucloud_disk

Provides a Cloud Disk resource.

» Example Usage

resource "ucloud_disk" "example" {
    availability_zone = "cn-bj2-02"
    name              = "tf-example-disk"
    disk_size         = 10

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • availability_zone - (Required) Availability zone where cloud disk is located. Such as: "cn-bj2-02". You may refer to list of availability zone.
  • disk_size - (Required) The size of disk. Purchase the size of disk in GB. 1-8000 for a cloud disk, 1-4000 for SSD cloud disk.
  • name - (Optional) The name of disk, should have 6-63 characters and only support Chinese, English, numbers, '-', '_'. If not specified, terraform will autogenerate a name beginning with tf-disk.
  • disk_type - (Optional) The type of disk. Possible values are: data_diskas cloud disk, ssd_data_disk as ssd cloud disk. (Default: data_disk).
  • charge_type - (Optional) Charge type of disk. Possible values are: year as pay by year, month as pay by month, dynamic as pay by hour. (Default: month).
  • duration - (Optional) The duration that you will buy the resource. (Default: 1). It is not required when dynamic (pay by hour), the value is 0 when month(pay by month) and the disk will be vaild till the last day of that month.
  • tag - (Optional) A tag assigned to VPC, which contains at most 63 characters and only support Chinese, English, numbers, '-', '_', and '.'. If it is not filled in or a empty string is filled in, then default tag will be assigned. (Default: Default).

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • create_time - The time of creation of disk, formatted in RFC3339 time string.
  • expire_time - The expiration time of disk, formatted in RFC3339 time string.
  • status - The status of disk. Possible values are: Available, InUse, Detaching, Initializating, Failed, Cloning, Restoring, RestoreFailed.

» Import

Disk can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import ucloud_disk.example bsm-abcdefg