» ucloud_eip_association

Provides an EIP Association resource for associating Elastic IP to UHost Instance, Load Balancer, etc.

» Example Usage

# Query availability zone
data "ucloud_zones" "default" {}

# Query image
data "ucloud_images" "default" {
  availability_zone = "${data.ucloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
  name_regex        = "^CentOS 7.[1-2] 64"
  image_type        = "base"

# Create security group
resource "ucloud_security_group" "default" {
  name = "tf-example-eip"
  tag  = "tf-example"

  rules {
    port_range = "80"
    protocol   = "tcp"
    cidr_block = ""
    policy     = "accept"

# Create an eip
resource "ucloud_eip" "default" {
  bandwidth     = 2
  charge_mode   = "bandwidth"
  name          = "tf-example-eip"
  tag           = "tf-example"
  internet_type = "bgp"

# Create a web server
resource "ucloud_instance" "web" {
  instance_type     = "n-standard-1"
  availability_zone = "${data.ucloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
  image_id          = "${data.ucloud_images.default.images.0.id}"

  data_disk_size = 50
  root_password  = "wA1234567"
  security_group = "${ucloud_security_group.default.id}"

  name = "tf-example-eip"
  tag  = "tf-example"

# Bind eip to instance
resource "ucloud_eip_association" "default" {
  resource_id   = "${ucloud_instance.web.id}"
  eip_id        = "${ucloud_eip.default.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • eip_id - (Required) The ID of EIP.
  • resource_id - (Required) The ID of resource with EIP attached.
  • resource_type - Deprecated, attribute resource_type is deprecated for optimizing parameters.