» ucloud_lb_attachment

Provides a Load Balancer Attachment resource for attaching Load Balancer to UHost Instance, etc.

» Example Usage

resource "ucloud_lb" "web" {
    name = "tf-example-lb"
    tag  = "tf-example"

resource "ucloud_lb_listener" "default" {
    load_balancer_id = "${ucloud_lb.web.id}"
    protocol         = "https"

resource "ucloud_security_group" "default" {
    name = "tf-example-eip"
    tag  = "tf-example"

    rules {
        port_range = "80"
        protocol   = "tcp"
        cidr_block = ""
        policy     = "accept"

resource "ucloud_instance" "web" {
    instance_type     = "n-standard-1"
    availability_zone = "cn-bj2-02"

    root_password      = "wA1234567"
    image_id           = "uimage-of3pac"
    security_group     = "${ucloud_security_group.default.id}"

    name              = "tf-example-lb"
    tag               = "tf-example"

resource "ucloud_lb_attachment" "example" {
    load_balancer_id = "${ucloud_lb.web.id}"
    listener_id      = "${ucloud_lb_listener.default.id}"
    resource_id      = "${ucloud_instance.web.id}"
    port             = 80

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • load_balancer_id - (Required) The ID of a load balancer.
  • listener_id - (Required) The ID of a listener server.
  • resource_id - (Required) The ID of a backend server.
  • resource_type - Deprecated, attribute resource_type is deprecated for optimizing parameters.
  • port - (Optional) Port opened on the backend server to receive requests, range: 1-65535, (Default: 80).

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • private_ip - The private ip address for backend servers.
  • status - The status of backend servers. Possible values are: normalRunning, exceptionRunning.