» ucloud_lb_listener

Provides a Load Balancer Listener resource.

» Example Usage

resource "ucloud_lb" "web" {
    name = "tf-example-lb"
    tag  = "tf-example"

resource "ucloud_lb_listener" "example" {
    load_balancer_id = "${ucloud_lb.web.id}"
    protocol         = "https"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • load_balancer_id - (Required) The ID of load balancer instance.
  • protocol - (Required) Listener protocol. Possible values: http, https, tcp if listen_type is request_proxy, tcp and udp if listen_type is packets_transmit.
  • name - (Optional) The name of the listener. If not specified, terraform will autogenerate a name beginning with tf-lb-listener.
  • listen_type - (Optional) The type of listener. Possible values are request_proxy and packets_transmit. (Default: request_proxy).
  • port - (Optional) Port opened on the listeners to receive requests, range: 1-65535. (Default: 80).
  • idle_timeout - (Optional) Amount of time in seconds to wait for the response for in between two sessions if listen_type is request_proxy, range: 0-86400. (Default: 60). Amount of time in seconds to wait for one session if listen_type is packets_transmit, range: 60-900. The session will be closed as soon as no response if it is 0.
  • method - (Optional) The load balancer method in which the listener is. Possible values are: roundrobin, source, consistent_hash, source_port , consistent_hash_port, weight_roundrobin and leastconn. (Default: roundrobin).
    • The consistent_hash, source_port , consistent_hash_port, roundrobin, source and weight_roundrobin are valid if listen_type is packets_transmit.
    • The roundrobin, source and weight_roundrobin and leastconn are vaild if listen_type is request_proxy.
  • persistence - (Optional) Indicate whether the persistence session is enabled, it is invaild if persistence_type is none, an auto-generated string will be exported if persistence_type is server_insert, a custom string will be exported if persistence_type is user_defined.
  • persistence_type - (Optional) The type of session persistence of listener. Possible values are: none as disabled, server_insert as auto-generated string and user_defined as cutom string. (Default: none).
  • health_check_type - (Optional) Health check method. Possible values are port as port checking and path as http checking.
  • path - (Optional) Health check path checking.
  • domain - (Optional) Health check domain checking.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • status - Listener status. Possible values are: allNormal for all resource functioning well, partNormal for partial resource functioning well and allException for all resource functioning exceptional.

» Import

LB Listener can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import ucloud_lb_listener.example vserver-abcdefg